Bench Press:
6-6-6 @ 3011
Work up to a challenging set of 6 reps at the prescribed tempo. Use spotters on all work sets but the goal is no failing.
Post loads to comments.
Week 1 of 2
AMRAP 9 Minutes:
Deadlifts 225/155
Burpee Box-Jump Overs 24/20
The Deadlift should be medium-heavy for you, something you can easily get to in 3-4 warm up sets. Bias jumping to a lower box over stepping to the Rx.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 12/23/19 – S 1/5/20
Objectives: A short, 2-week cycle to bridge the gap between the previous cycle through the busy holiday season to the upcoming 6-week training cycle. Expect to see varied exposures to movements you’re familiar with, some novel conditioning workouts, and a benchmark test or two thrown into the mix. Use this less-linear format as an opportunity to experiment a bit with training more by how you feel on a given day, and less based on what you think you “should” do compared to the previous week.
Holiday Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule tomorrow through Thursday, but there will be plenty of opportunities to get your fitness on. Here’s what’s happening:
Here’s what you can expect:
Tuesday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)
Normal morning/afternoon schedule and staffing.
Cancelled: Everything after 1pm
Wednesday, December 25th (Christmas Day)
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
9am-11am Open Gym
Cancelled: Everything else
Thursday, December 26th
Normal staffing and schedule from 8am onwards.
Cancelled: 6am CrossFit, 7am CrossFit, 4:30pm CrossFit Teens
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Lowering the Bar on the Low-Fat Diet CrossFit