Bodyweight WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.17.20
Warm Up
4 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10 Wide Stance Standing Forward Bends (flow between reps)
10e Bent Over Torso Rotations
:20e Side Plank or Side Star Plank
5 Rounds, Fast Pace:
10 Alternating Split Jumps
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges
5 Squat Jumps (or Broad Jumps)
15 Squats
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
10 Minute Savasana (led by Jon Kabat-Zinn)
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Dumbbell/Kettlebell WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.17.20
Warm Up
5 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10 Wide Stance Standing Forward Bends (flow between reps)
10e Bent Over Torso Rotations
:20e Side Plank (on elbow) or Side Star Plank
:30 Reverse Bridge Plank
5 Rounds, Fast Pace:
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Cleans (or Kettlebell) Left
10 Single-Arm Rack Reverse Lunges (same side leg moving)
10 Single-Arm Push Presses
10 SA Dumbbell Cleans (or Kettlebell) Right
10 Single-Arm Rack Reverse Lunges (same side leg moving)
10 Single-Arm Push Presses
10 Goblet Squats
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
Using a single dumbbell or kettlebell. Sub Single-Arm Swings as needed for the Cleans.
10 Minute Savasana (led by Jon Kabat-Zinn)
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Endurance Whiteboard Explanation 3.17.20 (Tuesday: Easy Run)
Warm Up
General movement prep (shoulder/hip circles, leg swings front/back and side to side, toe touches, standing quad stretch, calf march, standing cross legged forward fold, world’s greatest stretch)
Easy 200m jog
2x through: 15m (~50ft) of each of the following (walk back to start): Bunny Hops, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Lateral Shuffle, Carioca, Broad Jumps
2 Mile Easy Run (using only nasal breathing!)
- Newbies: alternating between walk/run is absolutely ok! But the goal is to keep moving.
- More experienced runners: choose a more challenging course, pick up speed
- If you lose nasal breathing slow down pace or walk until you can resume nasal breathing comfortably.
- Use for distances or just run for 20mins.
- Contact Jessica [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.
com with questions.
Cool Down
10 Minutes of World’ Greatest Stretch (Figure Four Stretch, Lying Spinal Twist)
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CFSBK Remote Programming Update
In the video above, Coach Fox and Coach Keith explain how we’ve programmed our gym-less workouts through March 29th. Our intention is to provide our members with some varied remote options for training and staying engaged. We’ll be posting our programming options right here on the blog and will offer some “virtual” classes to be scheduled. So much is happening so fast, our goal is to bring our staff’s insights and programs directly to you as much as we can. We’ll get through this together!
If you’d like to foster one of our kettlebells or dumbbells to help you get your sweat on at home, stop by the gym today from 9am to 11am to pick one up.
We want to know how you’re doing! Post your gym-less workout results, questions, social distancing dispatches, or anything else you’d like to share to the comments.
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