CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Active Recovery: 10am
EMOM 12:00
6 Deadlifts
3 Hang Power Cleans
1 Thruster
Complete the barbell complex as one unbroken set each round. Build up to a challenging load. You may cycle the last hang power clean right into the thruster.
Max Strict Chin-Ups x3
Rest: 3:00
If you can do 10 or more unassisted chin-ups in the first set, go for a max set unbroken then match your total volume in the first round in each subsequent round, regardless of how many mini sets it takes you.
For example:
Set 1: 15 reps Unbroken
Set 2: 6+5+5 Reps
Set 3: 5+5+3+2+1 Reps
If you can’t do around 10 chin-ups use a band that allows you to perform 10-15 reps on your first set then continue as described above matching your first set volume. Regardless, aim for three challenging sets of about 10+ reps. If banded chin-ups are too difficult for you perform three sets of 12 Self Assisted Chins.
Charlie N thinking: “So many Push-ups…”