Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Virtual Yoga: 7am
Pilates Happy Hour: 6:00pm
Kids: 4:30pm
Workout of the Day
For Time:
400m Run
21-15-9 Reps of:
Power Clean
Wall Ball Shots
400m Run
Run: 400m / 270m / 400m Row sub
Power Clean: Should be a medium heavy weight where you might be able to perform a few touch and go sets
Wall Ball: Pick a weight and height that challenges you to do the 21 set in 1-2 sets.
Tempo Strict Pull-Ups
5×5 @ 1↑-2-3↓-2 tempo
Adjust your assistance so that you can hold a mature top position and have a controlled lowering phase. If you can perform 5×5 strict add additional weight.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Follow up on Neil, Yoriko and Genji (born 10/29/20)
I (Neil) started CF soon after I turned 38 when I realized I was out of shape. I gave myself 2 years to become “the fittest 40-year old that I could be.” While I was highly motivated, honestly speaking, I did not love CF at first. The gymnastics movements were difficult and I had limited mobility. However, the persistence and determination paid off and after 3 months, I became faster, stronger and more focused. By the time I turned 40, I was in better shape than I ever was and have not since looked back.
In July 2018, Yoriko and I moved from SF to Brooklyn to be closer to family. I signed up for CFSBK 3 days after relocating based on a recommendation from my previous coach, Chris Comma, who happens to be the son of CFBSK favorite Constance. I immediately felt at home with the amazing community and highly-skilled coaches. I also saw that CFSBK offered a class called Short Circuit, which I thought Yoriko would appreciate. She went for a trial class the following week and quickly got (in her own words) addicted. The combination of quick, varied movements with a group of amazing people helped her reach her fitness goals.
Yoriko became pregnant right before the pandemic and soon after, we were doing virtual classes at home. She was determined to maintain her fitness regimen during her pregnancy as she felt it would be a key element to a healthy and smooth pregnancy. In her later stages of her pregnancy, Yoriko started online training with Coach Whit, who did a phenomenal job at creating workouts that were aligned with each stage of her pregnancy. She was able to continue her workouts until 3 days before our son was born.
On 10/29, Genji was born and we could not be happier. While we are pausing our workouts for the next few weeks to adjust to being new parents, we are excited to return to the gym. We hope that everyone has a safe, healthy year end and can’t wait to see everyone very soon. Happy Holidays!