Workout of the Day
3 Rounds:
1:00 Double front Rack KB carry
1:00 Bike
:30e Side Plank
5 Sets of:
3-5+ L-Pull-Ups
If you don’t have strict Pull-Ups, perform 3-5 banded pull-ups with as little assistance as possible followed by a :15-20 hang with your legs held at 90 degrees. Scale down by tucking one leg in.
15:00 EMOM:
A: Wall Walks
B: Slam Balls
C: Tuck-Ups
Move at a steady and sustainable pace for this workout. Make your goal to just keep moving but not redline.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/7)
Kristin set up for some deficit deadlifts
5 Tips for Losing Weight Alan Thrall