Scott L. in Motion during Sectionals WOD #3
Lax Balls are Back!
You asked for 'em, we got 'em! A new box of lax balls just came in today! Just $2 gets you your very soft tissue tenderizing tool. Great for work, the car home and even your own private jet! Ask one of the coaches to grab you one or three next time you are in the gym.
Scary Movie Night is Saturday!
Just cause you're strong like an ox doesn't mean you can't scream like a child! This Saturday come see two great fright flicks for the price of NONE! The Descent starts at 8pm and Ils aka "Them" starts at 10pm! Bring drinks, bring snacks, bring a change of underwear!!
No one under 18 admitted without parent or guardian.
Civilian Military Combine
Adventure races are all the rage these days and now there is the Civilian Military Combine which claims to be the most challenging yet. 4 lifting events, a 7 mile run and an intense obstacle course await participants. If you're interested check out more details here! The race will be held September 10th, 2011 at the Camel Back Mountain Resort in Pennsylvania. Any takers?
We got lax balls, we got t-shirts, we even got a flippin sink! What else would you like us to offer the gym?
CFSBKer Matt Ufford Makes Some of TVs Greatest Culinary Creations Warming Glow
ALWAYS ride in the bike lane Youtube
Muslim Weightlifter's Wish to Wear Modest Clothes Triggers Rules Debate CNN