Take 15 Minutes to work up to a heavy double. All reps are taken from a dead start. Loss of back position is a No-Rep
Post loads to comments.
1 Round for max points of:
4 Minute Row (for calories)
3 Minutes Burpees
2 Minutes Pull-Ups
1 Minute Double Unders
Post total points and breakdown to comments.
A Service Announcement regarding the Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet
Why you (yes you) should compete:
- This is a forum to celebrate your choice to spend your free time getting stronger rather than weaker.
- This is a forum to applaud other women who make the same choice as you.
- This is a forum to try something you may have never done before.
I challenge you to get on a platform, in front of your friends and competitors, and lift something heavy. Whether it’s heavy in absolute terms or not is irrelevant, just show us your guts. If not now, then when?

December 17 at 1:30pm. Register here.
Its A Lifestyle
Our own Kristen S has started a business baking Paleo gourmet desserts, spreads, butters, etc. This is a great option if you want some sugar and gluten free treats for the holiday season. To browse the menu and pick up some goodies, check out her website.
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