If you’re doing a 3×5 linear progression, add 2.5-10lbs as appropriate.
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compare to 2.22.12 and 1.31.12
3 Intervals of:
As Many Rounds as possible in 2 Minutes of:
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Kettlebell Swings, Face Level
Rest 2 Minutes
Justin and Noah get their Thrust On
Best of luck to Rob I, Michele K and Nicole A who will be competing in the 2012 International Powerlifting Association PA State Powerlifting Champions this Saturday!
Good Luck To Everyone competing in the CrossFit Total Today!
The event starts at 6:30pm if you’d like to spectate. Today will be our largest total and cummulates 8 weeks of moving steel for these 20+ guys and gals
The Paleo Challenge Is ALMOST OVER!!
How to Submit your Post Paleo Challenge Material:
1. Briefly describe the beginning, middle and end of your Paleo Challenge. (We’re looking for 3-8 sentences per section)
2. Based on your previously stated goals, In what ways did you succeed with your paleo Challenge? Were there any other positive adaptations you experienced?
Announcing The CFSBK Softball Team!
Interested in putting that functional fitness to use? Dan H. is in the process of recruiting 15-16 members for a CFSBK softball team as part of the YMCA Adult Co-ed League. Games are usually held once a week around 7pm at the Red Hook fields. A small league fee of $40-50 per person will be expected to participate for the season. ALL levels are welcome. If you’re interested or have any other questions, please contact dh3 at dhalioua(at)gmail(dot)com.
Dr. Osborne discusses Gluten/Grain free diets and an evolutionary perspective on digestion Fox News
CrossFit Gonzaga’s After School Teens Program Does Weighted Pull-Ups CrossFit
One Down CrossFit Games
How We Got 500 Athletes on Team CrossFit NYC CrossFit Games
The Casual Competitors Take On Week 1 CrossFit Games