If you’re following a linear progression add 2-5lbs as appropriate.
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compare to 3.8.12 or 2.23.12
3 Attempts at:
500m Row
400m Run
Rest about 3 minutes between attempts. Choose your weakest modality or mix and match.
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Coach Margie stays fit while her broken foot heals
Speaking of Coach Margie, her, Coach Jeremy and former CFSBK Coach Gillian M are all in Witchita this week training with Mark Rippetoe. Have fun and train hard, guys!
WOD 12.4 Announced
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall balls
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
Women’s Rx Wall Ball: 14lbs to 9′ target
Men’s Rx Wall Ball: 20lbs to 10′ target
This workout is reminiscent of the Bar Facing Burpee, Overhead Squat, Muscle-Up workout from last year where it works more like a chipper than a traditional AMRAP. To even clear 1 round is a huge accomplishment and only a small percentile will get to the second round. What is your strategy to get through the Wall Balls? How far do you think you’ll get?
Watch 2010 Men’s CrossFit Games Champ Graham Holmberg perform this workout here.
Workout Demo: “Karen” 150 Wall Ball Shots For Time CrossFit
Scaling Karen CrossFit
Sweet Sweat (For Dan B)