MeLo Takes “Hug A Twinkie” literally
Photoshop by Asta F
New Standardized Warm-Ups
Below are the new Standardized warm-ups we’ll be using this cycle as well as coaching notes on each movement.
Warm-Up 1
3 Rounds or 10 Minutes of:
8 Lunges with Hip Lift
8 High Hang Snatch to Overhead Squat (use a barbell or PVC)
8 Knees to Elbows or Reverse Curl-Ups
– Here is a video of the Lunge with Hip Lift. Stay on Tension during this movement, try to perform a solid lunge and then use the hip lift as a hip opener.
– The High Hang Snatch will involve an explosive extension and proper foot work. After you catch the bar overhead in a quarter squat, stabalize your position before descending into a full overhead squat. Here is 13:00 video of Coach Burgener working with a Rugby player on the High Hang Snatch.
– The Knees to Elbows will be strict. Try to keep your arms straight and use your lats and hip flexors to perform the movement. Both strict Knees to Elbows and Reverse Curl ups are demonstrated here.
Warm-Up 2
3 Rounds or 10 Minutes of:
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean Thrusters
5-10 Plyo Push-Ups or Standard Push-Ups
10 Ring Rows with a Supine (palms up) grip. Hold the top for a 1 count
– Make the Dumbbell Squat Clean Thrusters one fluid motion emphasizing good foot work, a tight body and a mature overhead position. Here is a video of them.
– Only perform the Plyo Push-Ups if you’ve got 10-20 Strict Push-Ups. Otherwise continue to develop your standard push-ups.
– Keep your palms facing up during the ring row. Hold the top of each rep and really focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together and keeping your shoudlers down and back.
Annie S does 25 Muscle Ups and 31 Clean and Jerks in 8 Minutes CrossFit
Just Squat! CrossFit