Given that there are NO classes tomorrow for the CrossFit Subway Series event, we are providing a WOD for folks who came in on Thursday and would have attended Saturday. Athletes at the 6,7,8am and 12pm classes will have an option to do either yesterday’s workout or the one below.
Warm up and then you have 5 attempts to find a heavy triple on the Deadlift. All pulls start from a static position on the floor.
10-20-30-40-50 Reps For Time Of:
Double Unders
Post results to comments.
David O Does some High Altitude L-Sits
Best wishes to Christine G who will be running the NYC IRONMAN this weekend!
Coach Margie Has Left The Building.. kinda sorta
Yesterday at 12pm Coach Margie taught her last Group Class with us for the foreseeable future. We are both saddened and excited about the situation and as we all know, both of those emotions can be supplemented with alcohol consumption. Come join us in saying farewell to Coach Margie tomorrow evening at The Rock Shop (second floor) starting at 8pm. If Coach Margie has in some way touched you as a friend or coach, please come on down and let her know how much she’ll be missed. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Subway Series Schedule
We’ll start heats on Saturday at 9:00am and be finishing around 11:30-12p. If you’re coming, please wear your black Skull and Bones CFSBK shirt to show your support and join the “Black Sea”. Remember there are NO Group Classes on Saturday.
NOTE: Due To The Large Volume of People in the gym tomorrow, we will NOT be storing bikes in the front, please either walk or find somewhere outside to house your bike
Here is the workout that some of our best local CrossFitters will be taking on:
In 10 minutes perform:
50 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerk 95/55
40 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerk 115/75
30 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerk 135/95
20 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerk 165/115
10 Double Unders
AMRAP Clean and Jerk 185/135
The year is 1992, give us a snapshot of where you’re living, what you’re doing and any other interesting tidbits about your life 20 years ago.
The CrossFit Affiliate Blog has officially retired. Check out the new CrossFit Community site that will take it’s place.