3 Rounds For Max Reps:
1 Minute Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches (alternate hands each rep)
1 Minute Toes to Bars
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Rest
Go heavy on the Dumbbell Snatch
You can go strict or kipping on the Toes to Bars.
Burpees have strict push-ups, try to jump about 6″
3 Rounds For Max Reps:
1 Minute Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches (alternate hands each rep)
1 Minute Laying Knee Tucks or WTD Sit-Ups
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Rest
Use a medium/light weight if you do weighted sit-ups. You should be able to keep moving for the majority of the minute. If sit-ups are difficult already, don’t load. For your Burpees, hold the tall plank position for a 1 count and try to get about 6″ of air on the jump.
Post total reps to comments.
David Charbonneau and Josh Martinez during the final heat from this weekend
Happy Birthday, Jon S!
Shoulder Disfunction, Where to start?
A lot of shoulder dysfunction has its roots in poor posture. If you walk around all day with your shoulders internally rotated and your head pushed forward, chances are that your thoracic spine and scapula (upper back area) have become somewhat “frozen”. The problem with this is that when you go lift a weight overhead, do a push-up or try to snatch, certain joint positions won’t be available to your body so other areas will have to compensate to finish the job. Watch this short video to see a very basic overview of how some of your bones are supposed to move when your arms go overhead. You can see that the scapula, clavicle and humerus all share responsiblity to finish the job. The video doesnt account for the contributions of the Thoracic and Cervical spine, but just know they play an important role too. If the imbalances and tightness iin the soft tissues surrounding these bones arent addressed inflammtion and pain may become present. Over time long term injury and disfunction may eventually result. So what do do about it? Start with these simple MWODs below and see if you cant begin to break up some of your gnarly restrictions. Watch each one and give them a shot pre-workout. See if you can’t get into better positions or “cool off” some existing inflammation.
Shoulder: What to Fix First
Pain Ball: Calling All Shoulders
Darth Shoulder
Death By Desk
The Neck of a Desk Warrior Poet
Remaining Crush Week Teaser
Crush week started last Sunday with “Tabata Something Else” and will continue through this upcoming Sunday. Here are some hints at what’s coming up this week.
Thursday: A heavy barbell and a sea of double unders
Saturday: A Benchmark “Girl” with a twist
Sunday: The “biggest sister” of a workout we did 2 different versions of this cycle
Any guesses?
Ali Mcweeny Is Stronger Than That 70’s Big