3 Rounds For Time of:
Run 400m
12 Deadlifts
8 Hang Power Cleans
4 Push Presses
Choose one of the following options for load.
A: 155/105
B: 135/95
C: 115/75
D: 95/65
E: 75/45
Post time and Rx to comments.
What a class at CFSBK looked like 5 years ago
CFSBK is 5 Years Old!
Time certainly flys when you’re having fun. Come celebrate our gym and community on Saturday, November 3rd as we host a little shindig to commemorate us turining 5. We’ll have food, drinks and lots of fun planned for you guys as well as a retrospect into the history of our gym and plans for the future.
MEAT CSA MEMBERS! Give the farm your feedback – take the online survey!
Check out CFSBK’s CSA mentioned in Brooklyn Based’s Unusual CSA Clubs Post
The Secret Power of Time KarmaTube
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