As Many Rounds As Possible in 16 Minutes of:
32 Double Unders
16 Box Jumps 24″/20″
8 Push Presses 115/75
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
CrossFit Reebok One
If you could add anything you wanted to the gym, what would it be?
Established 2007
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As Many Rounds As Possible in 16 Minutes of:
32 Double Unders
16 Box Jumps 24″/20″
8 Push Presses 115/75
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
CrossFit Reebok One
If you could add anything you wanted to the gym, what would it be?
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Working in invtervals of :20 work/:10 Rest, complete the following work:
100 Kipping Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
100 Sit-Ups
100 Squats
-If you havent got kipping pull-ups, or they’re not developed well enough to complete 100 in a reasonable time, scale to 50 Kipping Pull-Ups, 35 Strict Pull-Ups or 50 Ring Rows.
– Push-Ups can be scaled to 75 or 50, depending on capacity.
Post total time and Rx to comments.
Sarah LR Deadlifts 285
Happy Birthday, Coach Noah!
Want to learn more about Noah? Check out his Underneath The Hoodie article
We have blasted through our goal of $10,000 (currently over 12K) and I am personally humbled by the oupouring of support. So what do we do now? Plow forward like it’s your last set of burpees! To that end, I have a really exciting news flash. Earlier this week I met with Alex Villari, the VP of External Affairs at BCF, who is also a member of CFSB. Alex has gotten the board of directors of Brooklyn Community Foundation to agree to put in $1.00 of their OWN personal money for every dollar that we raise from now until the date of the event. They have capped this challenge at $15,000 but Alex tells me that their Board Chair is open to putting more of his own money into the pot if we exceed this new goal. If we raise $5,000 additional dollars, they will put in $5,000 of their own personal money. If we raise $10,000, they will put in $10,000 of their own personal money. If we raise another $15,000, they will put $15,000 of their own personal money in. So every contribution that we can collect goes twice as far!
This makes every dollar you raise 2x as impactful!! Remember, only a few minutes 2x a week can raise a ton of money, and now even more.
The CFSBK 300 Club
1. Kristin Hoesl $1,305 (The Porkchop Express)
2. David Turnbull $722 (Make Like Champion)
3. Emily Ashton $610 (The Porkchop Express)
4. Tom Shpetner $ 591 (17 Minutes In Heaven)
5. David Osorio $575 (DROMulans )
6. Lauren Borducci $500 (South Brooklyn Seahorses)
7. Christian Reiss $450 (The Porkchop Express)
7. Jay Riengold $450 (DROMulans )
8. Mike Mishik $415 (Buns Of Steel)
9. Peter Mattis $350 (Avi’s Calves)
10. Janelle Rooks $310 (Buns Of Steel)
11. Sarah Marquez $305 (17 Minutes In Heaven)
The Brooklyn Community Foundation Series:
Self Help Community Services Inc
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Do it like this: Lauren B’s Low Bar Squat Rack
Straight wrists, palms flush on the bar, elbows high
Supple Leopard was laying low for a while after we were unceremoniously knocked out of the playoffs, but we’ll be back in force this Sunday and we would love to see some new faces. If 6 or fewer people show up, we’ll all play as Supple Leopard; with 7 or more, we’ll split into 2 teams. (Please do not worry about being person #7! We can totally do a team of 3 and a team of 4 if that’s how it happens.)
The ‘fo:
What: pub quiz! Test your knowledge of pretty much everything except classical music. (No, I’m not bitter.)
Where: Pacific Standard, 82 4th Avenue at St. Mark’s in Brooklyn.
When: Sunday, quiz starts at 8, but we typically arrive around 7:30 to secure tables.
Who: Email Stella (stellavision(AT) for more information or to RSVP
We’ll regularly be showcasing some of the awesome projects that the BCP has funded right in our own backyards. Enjoy!
Lindsey Valenzuela Snatches 200lbs
6 Ways CrossFit Can Benefit Runners Competitor
Low Bar Vs High Bar Squatting 70s Big
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For Max Load:
Press 5-5-5
Push Press 3-3-3
Push Jerk 1-1-1
Try add weight every set. Don’t miss reps.
If any of today’s movements are new to you, stay conservative with weight and execute 36 perfect reps.
Post best Press, Push Press and Push Jerk to comments.
What do you see when walking into CFSBK? Frozen Meat and Heavy $#!T
Happy Birthday, Dr. Jason Fiddler!!
Got some issues with your tissues? Check out the in house Chiropracter and ART practitioner to get yourself straigtened (literally) out!.
Yesterday CFSBK passed our initial goal of 10K for the Brooklyn Community Foundations! Great work everyone!! However with 16 days left until the event we KNOW we can do better. We’ve had some outstanding showings by members of our community yet some of you guys have yet to really kick off your fundraising efforts. Remember, the point of Fight Gone Bad is not to just get a cool T-shirt and do a hard workout. The point of FGB is to make an effort to help others in need and give back to the community you live in. Below are the top 5 teams and the individuals who have made it to the 300 Club. Lets not let the vocal few carry us, guys! It literally only takes a few minutes to write an email and make a difference.
Top 5 Teams:
1. The Porkchop Express: $2,315
2. DROMulans: $1,010
3. Make Like Champion!: $1,072
4. Buns Of Steel: $672
5. 1.21 GIGAWODS: $665
The $300 Club:
1. Kristen Hoesl: $1,145
2. David Turnbull: $722
3. Emily Ashton: $610
4. David Osorio: $550
5. Christian Reiss: $450
6. Lauren Borducci: $410
7. Mike Mishik: $365
8. Sarah Marquez: $305
Volunteers Needed!
We need 5 Volunteers for Fight Gone Bad to help register people, play music, keep the gym in order and a variety of other odds and ends. If you won’t be competing and would like to help out please email David(AT) ASAP. Free Volunteer FGB shirts included!
We appreciate our members trying to break free from the shackles of their material possessions and live more minimalist lifestyles. We do! Really! But why not donate your valuables to someone in need instead of leaving them at the gym for us to clean up. Here are your waterbottles (more have been added since this photo), watches and keys. The latter two are in the office, the water bottles are on the coffee table. Also, standard procedure for log books left out is that they get filed in the member logs bin below the sign in table and David steals your pen.
Today is the last day of our 6 week cycle. Share opinions/results on the last 6 weeks of programming to comments. Crush Week starts Saturday!
Gary Taubes is picking a fight. Again. “What Should We Eat and Why?” CrossFit Journal
Classic from the vault: Eva T Does “Nate”
Check us out on Well+Good NYC with “Your Guide To CrossFit Gyms” and “Why CrossFit Is Seducing More Women”
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Fitness: Work up to a heavy 3×5 Front Squat,
5-10lbs heavier than the previous FSQ exposure
Performance: Work up to a heavy triple on the Front squat
Perform about 6-7 total sets. After your heavy triple drop to 85% for 5-10 reps. No Failing
Post loads to comments.
Conjucage exposure 6/6 compare to 9.5.12
4 Rounds Not For Time:
15 Dumbbell Weighted Sit-Ups
130m Farmers Carry
There is a 15 minute cap to get this work done. If it’s raining outside you can sub a max hold deadhang instead of a farmer’s carry.
Richard Perry is a new intern at CFSBK. His certifications include Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, through the National Strength and Conditioning Association and a Performance Enhancement Specialist, through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He will be completing his M.S. degree in Exercise Science with a Concentration in Strength and Conditioning and Sports Nutrition this fall. Throughout
his career, he has trained many different types of athletes, including professional MMA fighters, Thai boxers, and collegiate levels teams. Richard will be with us for 100H to fill his course requirements. Welcome, Rich!
Happy Birthday, Ashley F!
Hello CrossFit friends-
We’ll regularly be showcasing some of the awesome projects that the BCP has funded right in our own backyards. Enjoy!
CFSBK is within $1000 of our $10K Goal!!
Stefani Ruper: Intermittent Fasting, Paleo for Women, and Disordered Eating
Listening: Our Most Used Communication Skill