Performance: Work up to a heavy triple.
If you finish, drop back to about 80% and do a set of 5-8 reps
Fitness: Work up to a medium heavy 5 then perform 3 total sets of 5 reps at that weight.
Post loads to comments.
Weighted Pull-Up
Performance: 2RM Pull-Up
Prone grip only
Fitness: 5×5 Pull Ups, as challenging for 5 as possible
Focus on a mature finish position where your neck and shoulders stay neutral over the bar. Don’t crane your neck so that just your chin clears, use as much assistance as needed to finish strong.
Tabata Sit-Ups
Perform 10 Rounds of :20 on, :10 off of unanchored sit-ups. Score is total reps.
Christian Reiss Goes For a Deadlift 1RM
Huge props to all the guys and gals who totaled yesterday. We had some huge PRs from both veteran and novice strength cycles. Post numbers and experience to comments!
Even More Congratulations
Congrats to Arturo R who finished in 7th place overall in yesterday’s Hunger For More Games in Long Island! Team CFSBK is cleaning up shop!
The LFPB Challenge Cometh…
The CFSBK coaching staff is putting together an incentive nutrition challenge for the new year. We’re calling it the Look, Feel, and Perform Better Challenge and it will span the first 6 weeks of 2012. Our goal is to help people kick start their new year with some community support in avoiding processed foods, adding a little A/R and working out regularly. More details to follow.
Recovering From Hurricane Sandy CrossFit
Neurotransmitters and Prolonged Exercise Robb Wolf
What If Money Were No Object Alan Watts
The Sonic Divide