Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your first 3×5 Squat for the cycle. Do the math and see where you’ll end up at the end of the cycle based on the jumps you make. If you’re brand spaking new you might tolerate a 10lb jump for the first few exposures then shift to 5lb jumps. Leave room to grow you little strength flower.
Performance: 5/3/1 (5 week)
Post loads to comments.
Squat e1/6
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Body Weight Deadlift
Post time and Rx to comments.
A Pious Partner Persistantly Peruses her Peer’s Performance
- Reebok was more flexible with their time and now ALL classes today are on as normally scheduled!!!
Programming Review
Have you been keeping tabs on our programming plan for the next 6 weeks? If not read or re-read the following posts before coming in. Remember, we expect you to take your training seriously and be on board with what’s going on with programming.
1. Upcoming CrossFit Group Class Lifting Schedule
2. Standardized Warm-Ups
3. Wendler 5/3/1 and CrossFit
Former CFSBKer Gillian Mounsey doing FULL range of motion HSPUs
The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places on Earth
Felt good to lift after the Mayhem in the Meadowlands on Saturday…man are my traps and hams sore!
4pm – Press
5:30 class – Squat
Squat # 6 on the work set was weird! OK with these reps since I told everyone that they should be getting at least 10 on the week one rep outs ๐ I'm going to give the 5/3/1 my best this time around. I might have half assed in in the past.
Deadlift @BW (185 easier to load, scaled up a few lbs from 175.)
Push Up
Not a PR but felt good.
I wanted to put this out there in case anyone from CFSBK might personally be interested, or might know someone appropriate who is looking for a new job.
I need to hire one, possibly two, full-time ad traffickers at If any CFSBKer's are online advertising savants with an interest in working for a pro sports division send me a note – dan.newberry (is at) mlb. com. The job and the responsibilities can scale with experience, but some degree of online advertising trafficking, sales, or scheduling background is definitely necessary. Great benefits included – health, dental, vision, 401K, pension, commuter, flex health, life, etcetera.
Pass it along!
Full JD is here:
Squat: 185×5, 215×5, 245×10
Had at least 2-3 more in me for the rep-out. I'm being careful not to go too heavy on the volume especially in the first time through Wendler this cycle.
Metcon: 2:28 Rx'd (180#)
Got called out a few times for not fully extending in the first couple round. Corrected that in the latter rounds.
6am with Josh and McDowell. Squats at 125x3x5. These felt pretty good. WOD in 6:07 (DL @ 100#, not body weight; and Rx'd push ups). My arms were toast. Did a lot of hamstring stretching when I got home to ward off a tight back later today.
One of my friends lives near CrossFit 5th Ave and is thinking about working out there. Anyone have any first-hand experience there? If so, please let me know at rebecca.carvalho(at) Thanks!
"Leave room to grow you little strength flower."
words cannot express how much i loved reading that this morning.
Last night:
Press: 95×5, 110×5, 125×8
WOD: 40#, 3:30
Did the presses "olympic style" from a dead start each time (as opposed to the dynamic breathing method I've been using for months). Not easy! WOD was good, my grip stayed strong but as general fatigue set in my coordination with the kip fell to pieces. Excited for this cycle as I sorta wanted to be strength focused anyway.
7:15 this morning:
First 1-hour swim class with Jack Rabbit. 10 weeks to make my freestyle stroke awesome. Already getting better and I'm excited. Plus I remembered there's a city gym with a lap pool 2 blocks from my office so I can practice!
Rob, I hear what you're saying and it's along the same that have kept me away from fasting in the past. Been reading some various stuff and poking into "4-Hour Body." Still don't know how into this I'll get but I'm not interested in doing more than 1 day a week, probably for 18 hours (not 24). In terms of detox it's not so much what I'm eating (cause I do eat pretty clean, except those damn Baily cupcakes!) but more of giving my body a chance to clear out accumulated shit. The fact is almost every culture has a tradition of fasting. Why? Can't fully answer it but I feel like there are reasons and I've been curious to explore them for a long time. Once a week IF seems like the most appropriate way for someone with my activity (and stress) level.
As for cortisol and sleep, thank you. I am definitely stress/cortisol sensitive and generally suck at sleeping anyway so I'll be extra mindful. Yesterday I planned to fast until 430/5 but at 330 I was getting a headache and starting to be moody (both personal signs of stress) so I had lunch. First experimental day, 18 hours, all well.
P.S. That massage place on 5th and like Douglas. Meh.
6am with Josh and McDowell. Woke up with a golf ball wedged between my right scapula and spine. Lax ball made me cry like a baby, but it feels much better now.
Squats: 200×5, 230×5, 260×10. Still adjusting to the proper depth on these squats and making sure I don't go too deep. They all felt shallow, though Kevin said I was getting low enough. Metcon at 195# (Rx): 3:32. Felt much better than other recent high-rep deadlifts workouts.
@Noah B's post from yesterday: I've been doing a very mild form of IF for about a year. Most Saturday mornings I skip breakfast. When I first started I felt a bit cranky until lunch. Nowadays I hardly even notice it. Note that I generally don't workout on Saturday's and if I do plan to workout I won't fast. Biggest effects for me are that it resets my appetite and keeps me from chowing on the pancakes I make for my kids on Saturday morning.
Consider this a done deal: I suggest we take over Brooklyn Bridge Park on Aug15th …..See below for summer line-up.
I think Aug 15 SBK outing?
Posting for yesterday's 6:30pm class:
Snuck in some pressing as well since I missed Monday's class
WOD in 6:49. Deadlifts were all RXed and unbroken, but my arms turned to jelly halfway through and I had to drop to my knees for all but the first three and a half rounds of push ups. Which brings me to a question for the coaches: if I only have so many push ups in me, and I know that the WOD is push-up heavy but there are also a lot (for me) of push-ups in the warm-up, should I scale on the warm-up? Or just go strict on the warm-up and see how far I can get into the WOD before dropping to knees? Am I overthinking this?
tried posting this yesterday but it didn't go through
the only things left are the ikea chair, the couches, the coffee table (as well as a second grey one that i didn't get round to taking a photo of) and the microwave
Laura — I defer to what the coaches say, but I absolutely will scale pushups in the warmup if I know they're part of the WOD in a large enough quantity (say, 30 or more). The purpose of the warm-up is, well, to get you warmed up, whereas the purpose of the WOD is to work as hard as you can and see what your capacity is — so for me, I'd rather go strict in the WOD, even if that means cutting back in the warmups.
7am with Josh and McDowell…
Messed up % math and went a little low on the rep out but still got 14 @ 185#
4:04 metcon Rx'ed (160# bw for me), this one was fun, right up my alley. Can't believe some of the other guys were in the 2s I thought I was going fast. Well done everyone
Post from Last night:
Continuing Linear progression on my squat. 12 exposures of LBBSQ with 5lb jumps is going to be 60# of weight for a 3 X 5. 2 weeks ago I squated 290 x 5 x3 so i backed off this first exposure at 260 with an ultimate goal of 315X5X3. I'd be super stoked to get there.
WOD unbroken rx'd at 185 in 3:25.
DH3, yes.
Make-up post from last night:
BSQ: 120x5x3
Went through a similar thought process as DH3 (working backwards), but I think I messed it up and went too heavy this week.
WOD @115# with knee push-ups: 6:11
DLs were heavy but unbroken. Knee push-ups were too easy – might need to start mixing in some strict here and there.
The weights were very heavy today and did not move as well as they should have. So much so that Nick actually asked me if I calculated my percentages correctly. Ha!
Only able to hit 8 reps on the rep out at 85% and the 185# deadlift moved very slowly.
I plan on making up for it during bench press tomorrow.
Step 1: Ride a rented bike WAY out of the city to the University
Step 2: Meet some Dutch CrossFitters and find platforms/bumpers
Step 3: Turn around to unlock your bike so you can go BACK to the city to get your stuff (which you didn't bring on the way out)
Step 4: Drop your keys in the river as you're unlocking your bike….
Step 5: Take cab back to the hotel and explain your dumbass situation.
messed my squats this morning I blame not being fully awake and dd not take off the first 10%. I will fix that going forward. sigh. Still hit 8 reps at 201.
3:57 for the deadlift (150#) and pushups. Def. a WOD for us little guys. =)
6am with Josh & McDowell – squat went well at 135, down from my high of 145 from the end of last cycle. But it's hard to believe I will make 5 lb jumps for the next five weeks, landing me at 160. We'll see…
WOD – thanks to Josh for talking me down from deadlifting my bodyweight. I went for 95# and finished in 5:19. Would have been "DNF" otherwise.
Rebecca – I have a friend at Crossfit 718 down on 5th Ave – I just sent him an email asking for feedback. I know he likes it, but not sure what else he has to say.
Lastly – What's an "IF" (from a few posts between Noah and peter) – just curious?
Step 4B: Jump into water and find keys. (what a boss would do)
Sorry DO.
An aside. I took a pilates class with KH this afternoon in Union Square. Scoopin like a boss.
Advice for anyone renovating (and for being your own client): assume nothing will actually arrive on time and any timeline you set for yourself will inadvertently just be a suggestion.
On that note, gymblocked by renovation errands again tonight. ๐ AND I EVEN HAVE MY CAMERA. Will have to snap happy pictures of your faces on Saturday.
On a side note – I want to go to EVERY SINGLE ONE of those 33 places. I also have some nice creepy photos of abandoned housing in and around BK from my old job. I'll post to Flickr some time.
Workout @195
2:19, slightly faster and 10lbs heavier than the last time
2:29 not 2:19 fucking iPhone keyboard
I thought about it DH.. but that water was pretty murky, an unknown depth, definitely sludgy on the bottom and there were about 30 Dutch college students hanging out who would have stared at me the whole time..
long story short I got the issue resolved. Also, had a bizzaro cab experience where the meter said 21.50 and the cab driver says.. "hmm, just give me 20 and I'll be happy." Also- this cab for whatever reason was a Mercedes Benz.
Clean and Jerk
85×1 (press out)
85×1 (better, but got real dizzy on the recovery)
90×1 (198lbs, PR.. didn't even feel THAT heavy)
95M (my left hand didn't rack the bar)
95M (just bunked on the clean)
75M (didn't finish)
75M (Shift forward on ascent and lost it our front)
75×1 (165lbs. Not a PR)
Then a bunch of handstand practice. Maybe held my longest freestanding motionless handstand ever.
These felt great today, especially the clean and jerks. The weights were just flying and I felt very explosive.
Fun times at the olde university gym. Met a couple CrossFitters who seem really nice albeit a bit green about implementing CF with design and purpose. The long bike ride home through the suburbs/countryside was an added bonus.
Rep-out @245: 11 reps
WOD @165: 4:41. I was slow on this one.
Squatted and partnered on the WOD with Spencer. (He's new…say hi to him!)
[45×5, 135×5] 175×5, 200×5, 225×10.
WOD at 205 (not quite Rx) in 4:44. Thanks to Noah for some pointers on what happens to my DLs when they're string that fast.
Today's WOD got me thinking–I'm a full 18 pounds heavier than when I started at the gym last May. Wow.
Full Snatch+Below the knee snatch+2OHS: Worked up to 198# for three sets.
Clean and Jerk- 255x1x5-Jerk is hit or miss these days, not happy with it.
HBBS: Rep out at 305×9
Note-Jeremy asked me why I only High bar, and i told him well, I focus on Olympic lifting and thats what O lifters do. Thats what every single gold medalist has done. He made a good point about the position you get into on the LBBS is akin to the pull position of the snatch. Which is true. Its an age old debate that doesnt seem to have much of a resolution. Since Americans DO NOT do like the russians or chinese and have their kids start training at 7, saying that well Americans have no gold medals is not a great argument against the Low Bar since you are really not comparing apples to apples. Im undecided.
@ DO-That sounds exactly like what someone who has eaten a special cookie or two would do….
100x5x3 on the squats – went light, but i'm okay with it, first week fo the cycle and all.
WOD #95 6:15 I think? modified pushups, was going slow on the deadlifts as I am seriously trying to work on form… needs lots of help with this one. looking forward to dl's this cycle
Got my workout in today pre-Reebok photo shoot…
(85×5, 105×5, 127.5×3)
137.5×5, 157.5×5, 180×10
-squats actually felt great today and I probably had 1-2 more. playing it safe though. Used my belt on my rep-out set only.
10-9-8…2-1 Deadlifts and Pushups
-Finished in 6:34 at 155#.
A little heavier than BW but it's easier to load. I suck at pushups. Perhaps I should get the hubby to write a developing your pushup article… ๐
Makeup posts…
Yesterday's comp class:
-Complex of 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Snatch + 1 OHS (at 80% of 1RM)
worked at 83# for about 5 sets. all felt pretty good but one of those snatches felt magical.
-For Time:
30 OHS at 83# with 5 burpees on the minute, 5 minute cap.
Finished in 3:52 and was gassed. Could only snatch the weight up the first 2 rounds then had to C&J it up which cost time.
-Rest 5 minutes the 2:00 max calorie row
Got a whopping 33 calories. I hate rowing for calories.
(33×5, 45×5, 50×3) 55×5, 65×5, 72.5×8
maybe had one more left in me but not much more. all sets were a static start except my repout set.
5 RFT:
7 DB thrusters @25# and 7 pullups
-finished in 3:49
all thrusters unbroken as were the first 3 rounds of pullups. lost my grip in the last 2 rounds and had to break them up.
Cap't Dave is a boat I went out on as a teenager quite a crew. Great activity especially if you're a transplant NYer who has yet to see the fishing village of Sheepshead Bay.
7PM at DiFara
3 Hour AMRAP:
Eat Pizza
I was trying to count afterwards, I think I had like 12 slices? I think we need a leaderboard for pizza. Also FYI, you can rent out all of DiFara for the night for $30 a head for all you can eat. Who's in?