15 Minutes to work up to a heavy single jerk from out of a rack. Only go up in weight if you’re crisp and clean.
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For Time:
Row 500m
40 Double Unders
30 Wall Ball Shots 20lb, 10′ / 14lb, 9′
20 Kettlebell Swings 32k / 24k
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Pilates Is Hard Core Fun
When coaches cue you to “engage your abdominals”, do you scratch your head and wonder what they are talking about? Does the mere thought of hollow rocks make you want to cry a little? Do you suspect that you have a “weak core”, whatever the heck that means? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may benefit from some one-on-one Pilates lessons. Kristin Hoesl (KH) has been teaching Pilates privately for over six years, and is available for sessions at several locations in Brooklyn and downtown Manhattan. Check out her website at www.khpilates.com, where you can find more detailed information about her experience, what the Pilates method can do for you, and pricing. Or, email KH at kristin(AT)khpilates.com and she’ll be happy to answer any of your questions. Now, scoop your abs!
Sign up For the Look, Feel and Perform Better Challenge today!
Step 1: Read the Overview
Step 2: Pay your $20 buy-in at the front desk. (there is a metal box with envelopes) and sign your name on the board by the couches
Step 3: Upload your “before” pictures and fill out the pre challenge questions here.
Step 4: Awesomesauce!
Take Your Shoes Home!
Please take your shoes home from now until January 1st. We’re cleaning out our closet area and want to make sure there are no abandoned shoes taking up space form active members. Also, in 2013 we’ll only be storing Olympic Weightlifting shoes at the gym, no sneakers. We’ll also be adding more cubby spaces for you guys.
Powerful Language Versus Victim Language CrossFit Invictus