Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 2 rep set on the Front Squat
Go a little heavier than last week’s heavy 2. Don’t miss any reps
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FSQ e4/6
Three Round For Time Of:
15 Thrusters, (Dumbbell or barbell)
15 Ring Rows or 8 Strict Pull-Ups
If you’ve been CrossFitting for 6 months or more you can also substitute 15 jumping pull-ups per round. Use a Dumbbell for the Thrusters if you have mobility restrictions racking a barbell for Thrusters. There is a 7 minute cap on this workout.
Three Round For Time Of:
15 Thrusters 95/65
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
7 min cap.
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Squat Queen Jessica B Warming Up
Dumbbell Thrusters
The Thruster is a common CrossFit exercise that requires you to squat below parallel with a load on your shoulders then thrust it overhead in one fluid movement. It’s commonly used as a potent conditioning tool and less commonly used as a strength developer. Today’s workout has two versions of the Thruster, one with Dumbbells and the other with a Barbell. While more total weight can be moved with a barbell, mobility limitations can make it very uncomfortable for many people to rack the barbell on their shoulders. If you have a really hard time keeping your elbows up as you descend and find the movement stressful on your wrists, Dumbbell Thrusters are probably going to be your best bet. Dumbbells also require more shoulder stability and are excellent at developing muscle symmetry.
A common issue with dumbbell thrusters is that as you fatigue your weaker side may begin to collapse inwards at the rack position or fail to lock out overhead. Often the dumbbell will begin to drop toward your chest during the ascent and then barely make it to lock out. This is a clear indication that you’ve got underdeveloped external rotators in your shoulder. To get through the workout, you’ll have to either slow down significantly or reduce the weight of your dumbbells. Trying to gut through a collapsing rack support is ill advised as it could put excessive stress on the soft tissue in and around your shoulder. Below are a few different things you can do pre/post workout to help develop this weak link:
We recommend you do them 2-3 times per week for 3 sets of 8-20 reps.
Joe Defranos Shoulder Health Circuit
Squat Therapy: 4 Drills That Will Improve Your Squats Breaking Muscle
Bodybuilders Through The Ages Smithsonian
Pursuing Excellence and Creating Value by Greg Glassman CrossFit