Fitness: Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Hang Power Snatch
Performance: Hang Power Snatch + BTN Snatch Grip Push Press + Hang Squat Snatch
Attempt to go a little heavier than last week.
Fitness: 3×5 Across
This is probably getting tougher at this point. Consider smaller jumps (1-3lbs) and dynamic starts if you’re running into a wall.
Performance: Wendler 5 Week
65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
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270m Waiters Walk
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Shaye L Gets into the Squat Zone
- The coat room was getting a little stinky so we took it upon ourselves to spray the inside of everyone’s shoes. If you’d like to take it upon yourself, use this spray bottle located at the front desk.
Gracie’s Testimonial
I just wanted to thank you for all that you, your staff, and the community have done for me in the last 6 months. In the last 4.5 yrs, I have been walking around in a daze, feeling incredibly lost and alone. Sports and athletics has always been a safe haven for me growing up, but with my mothers Multiple System Atrophy Parkinson’s diagnosis and my little brothers constant struggle with sobriety, I really took it out on myself and my body in the last 4 yrs.
Since I came to CFSBK, I have grown to love who I am again. I revel in the triumphs that I make every week and always feel the support of the entire community behind me when I’m struggling. It’s a feeling that cannot be duplicated anywhere else or accurately described.
On my birthday, my mother had a very bad fall and broke two ribs and got 7 staples in her head. On that same day, my brother pleaded guilty to felony charges of possession with intent to sell heroin. He is currently in rehab and has two years of random drug testing in front of him to pass or he goes to jail. I cannot express how incredibly overwhelming this has all been for me and the place that I always want to go to for peace and support is the box. Similarly, the people that I have chosen to reach out to for help have been those I have grown close with in the community. Both the box and the community have become my safe space to grow, work hard, and fight through some overwhelming emotional feelings of despair.
This morning, my mother had two bad falls again and cried in my arms. After I got her settled, I found myself in my car, crying and heading to the one place I needed to be. CFSBK. To nail some gnarly squats and crush a WOD. Duh.
I know this is all an incredible amount of personal and overwhelming information. But I felt it was necessary to include so that you could truly see how valuable CFSBK is to my life and, I am certain, to many others.
I am very proud to let you know that my little brother has started working out in rehab and is counting down the days to when he can sign up for foundations and get his healthy life going. I cannot wait to see him at CFSBK and I will be eternally grateful to you as he finally learns to fight for himself.
So, thank you. Thank you for providing the coaches, the space, and the community that gets me out of bed on dark days. You all do such incredible things and give us all the tools to do them as well.
CFSBK fo’life
Third CrossFit Games Announcement.. Clean and Jerk Ladder!
Stunning display of female athleticism and freerunning
The One Thing All Men Feel, But Never Admit