Fitness: 3×5 Across
Performance: 5/3/1 3 week
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
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21-15-9 Reps For Time of:
Kipping Pull-Ups
There is a 7 minute cap. This should be a fast and furious couplet, not a slog so scale appropriately.
Post time and Rx to comments.
The CrossFit Games
The CrossFit Games start tonight! We’ll be streaming them at the gym or you can watch them online at home. Click here to see how to watch them on your own. Below are the announced events so far. What are your initial impressions?
The Pool
10 Rounds for time of:
Swim 25 yards
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Swim 25 yards
Row 1 and Row 2
Row 21,097 meters
Row 1 is at 2000m checkpoint
Row 2 is the entire 21,097
Zig Zag Sprint
50 Yard Sprint with 4 obstacles
4 round bracket style tournament.
Naughty Nancy
4 Rounds For Time of:
Run 600m up and over the berm
25 Overhead Squats 140/95
Clean and Jerk Ladder
1 Rep Clean and Jerk every 90 seconds with progressively heavier barbells
To see the full schedule, including slots for events TBA, click here.
Join Amy and Charlie’s Paleo Challenge
CFSBK superstars Amy and Charlie decided to do a Paleo Challenge for the month of August and have already roped in a few folks. If you’re looking to jumpstart some cleaner eating habits, check out their spreadsheet and figure out how you’d like to participate. Having a little community support can really make initiating a change process that much easier. Their model reflects the challenge the gym ran at the beginning of the year. If this is your first time attempting a challenge, we recommend keeping your parameters very simple and straight forward and making short term adherence goals that lead to a larger sustainable behavior changes. Experiement with yourself, see the results and remember… you can’t out train a bad diet!
High Line’s Best-Kept Secret: It’s a Fast Commute NYT