SBK Throwback: Charlotte Kaiser 3 Weeks Before Giving Birth To Linus
CFSBK Competing Tomorrow
Subway Series
Intrepid CFSBK Warriors, Jenn Stopka, Ryan Flynn, Mike Fiore, Zach Hodge, Rickke Mananzala, Matt Katz and Alan Lynch are all competing at the Subway Series event at CF Virtuosity tomorrow! They will be taking on a ladder version of “Amanda”. Good luck, team!
Andrew Midgail had to bow out of tomorrow, if anyone is interested in taking his spot, please email him at andrew.migdail(AT)
Powerlifting Meet
Coaches Jeremy, Noah, Lady Fox and Melo as well as Rob Is, David Turnbull, Lauren Howe and Sarah Larosa will be competing in the 30th Anniversary USAPL New Jersey State Open Powerlifting Championships in New Brunswick. Good luck, team!
Still Some Room To Get Strong
There are a few slots left in Coach Jeremy’s upcoming Strength Cycles, strike while the iron’s hot!
Strength Intensive-B Cycle-Intermediate
3 classes per week
August 13-October 6
Tuesday, Thursday at 7pm, Sunday at 10am
(5 spaces left)
Strength Intensive-C Cycle-Morning Novice
2 classes per week
August 12-October 2
Monday and Wednesday 6:30am
(2 spaces left)
ioby Cashmob Ends In One Week
Charlotte K (pictured above) says CFSBKers have pledged $250. We’ve still got one week before the cashmob ends and Charlotte will match all donations that come in from CFSBKers!
ioby turns five this summer. Since its founding, ioby has allowed more than 300 projects to raise more than half a million dollars in donations averaging $35. This funding provides crucial unrestricted operating money for ioby staff to recruit new project leaders, identify corporate sponsors, build out a better web platform for listing projects and managing data, and continue to grow. Today ioby is in 80 cities helping support civic engagement, neighborliness, and making life better for all of us. Your support means a lot! Donate here!
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