From the Vault: Charlotte K planks with a little help from Linus
- There is no 8:30pm group class or Active Recovery tonight. All other classes are on as normally scheduled. Tomorrow we’ll be hosting group classes at 9 and 10am only.
- Don’t forget to RSVP for the Look Feel Perform Better info session this Sunday at 5pm. We will review the challenge in and field questions about it. The info session is not mandetory for the challenge and information will also be available on the site.
- Thank you to everyone who donated to our Winter Coat Drive! Were able to send out a few large containers of coats to those in need of warmer clothing.
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Hard to imagine the currently strapping Linus was ever that tiny!!
Jess and I's first week at CFSBK was the week that L was born. Seeing him with Nick and Charlotte around the Lyceum in his first few months spoke a lot to me about the demeanor of SBK. Plus, he was probably inoculated against a few major illnesses by being exposed to that place 😉
@Crystal – I re-checked the L&F and my wraps were there. Thanks!
Linus was so tiny! He was 2.5 weeks early — his skin was loose, he hadn't filled it out yet.
I had a very fast, very intense delivery and could barely walk for 2 weeks afterwards. We walked over to the Lyceum one night when L was 4 weeks. I'll never forget the welcome back hug I got from David. This place and its willingness to work around all our crazy limitations is so special.
@Fox I hadn't realized that timing, that is very cool. And you're so right about the immune system–not to mention the noise tolerance!
Aw. A blast from the past! Happy Holidays All!
Hey 8am-ers. Mike B. lost his car keys in the coatroom and thinks they might have hitched a ride home with someone. They are on a Lego man keychain. If you find them, can you leave them at the desk the next time you come in. Thanks so much!
Team Christmas WOD with Deesha, Kayleigh, and Laura Mc. 230 reps for me, 919 for the team.
At least it wasn't some 12 Days of Christmas craziness!
Reposting about the car keys. If you have them, please email me at rooksbarth We can't find the spare key. Thanks again!
Janelle and Mike – I'll give the coat room another look. Text me with any other ideas as to where they might be or if you find them.
12 days left my shoulders very sore to todaysartner WOD at upper cape crossfit.
Partner WOD row 500m partner kbs until done hands off bell. If the bell touches the decker any point it's 5 burpees each partner.
Row 400,300,200,100 for kb reps and time.
My partner was a coast guard plane mechanic. Nicole.
We killed it in 15:32 and 197 kbs. I RXed the bell she went with 16kg.
Fun times ooooof, spread the word of inside the affileate.
I miss my box.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays from Lancaster, PA. Independent gym across the street from my grandmother's just opened a box a couple weeks back, so went over to check them out this morning – brutal:
Bench Press
(135#; 20:20)
5 RFT:
5 hang cleans
5 Press
5 Bent over rows
5 RDLs (all @ 95#)
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 box jumps at 20"
10 situps
This was good as I plan to spend the rest of the holidays eating bacon and christmas cookies. A lot of Christmas cookies.
Look at that fancy widget on the top right!
6am with Jess and Noah. Did tomorrow's Christmas WOD: 338 reps for me, 1220 for my team. Got a good sweat going on this one. Happy holidays.
Did Monday's workout in the 10am class today with Jess. Bench press back down to 95#, since I got greedy and failed at 100# last week. Womp womp. Worked up to 83# on the complex, partnered with the lovely Miranda who did her first class out of Foundations today. Such a fun workout.
Little DIY set of five 1-min plank holds (minus cute babies between our arms) + 1-min superman with Ben and Val, since Val's Christmas wish is to get a six-pack. It's all about making dreams come true, right?
Looking forward to tomorrow! I put up a serious fight with my family and decided to stay here for the holidays, and since I work at at a college, I get the next 12 days off. YAHOO.
Quick DIY at depressing hotel gym. I wrote to a box near my hotel in scenic Beaverton, OR to ask if they allowed drop-ins but no response (cry, cry). I tried to come up with a workout my spouse would want to do with me but failed utterly. Instead did a light workout spouse-adjacent.
Treadmill, 3x{10 burpees, 15 hollow rocks, 15 air squats}. Tried the weird cable pull contraption. Then 100 weighted reverse lunges but the heaviest weight they had was 8 pounds so, yeah. Will try to just go for a run next time instead.
Went for a 3 mile run/jog/walk thing in Florida this morning. It's HOT. And humid. I saw teenagers in sweatshirts. How do people live here?
Did some squatting with Margie today – a blast.
HBBS: 215x5x3, 185×10
Off to Ohio for Christmas. See y'all on New Year's Eve!
12pm today with Jeremy and Lady Fox.
Bench Press 100 x 5 x 3. This felt way heavier than I wanted it to feel.
The complex looked like fun but not so knee-friendly so I rowed instead.
3 x 10 minute pieces with 3 min rest in between- this was painful but I am SO HAPPY that the programming has changed this week as the 20 min pieces were getting really long and boring.
3RNFT 5 pull-ups (thin green band), 10 RDL with 28kg KB, 15 squats to a box with a band to make sure my knees are actually going where they are supposed to be going.
I plan to get at least an hour of AR in this evening once all of my Christmas chores have been completed. Now that it is on the blog, I have to do it, right?
Love this pic of Charlotte and Linus, both of whom I have only seen once in real life.
More training at CFGC…
Power Snatch Triples: 165, 180, 195, 210, 180, 195
Power Clean+Jerk: 205 (3+1), 225 (3+1), 245 (3+1), 275(1+1), 225 (3+1), 245 (3+1)
Clean Pulls: 365x3x3
Back Squat: 255×2, 295×2, 315×2, 335×2, 355×2, 385×1
Jerks: 295x1x5, 275x1x4
Ran into Jake at CFGC after their group class:
With a partner, 2RFT:
50 thrusters
50 burpees (lateral jump over the bar)
50 power cleans
Worked with Matt at 115lbs. Finished in 28:45.
Round one we split the movements into fives, but for the burpees (tens and fives). Round 2 we managed some longer sets (seven and eights on thrusters, twelve and thirteen on burpees, tens on cleans). This was exhausting but really fun.