5 Rounds for Time of:
20 Wall Ball shots
40 Double Unders (sub 20 calorie row or 20 slam ball for doubles)
10 Pull-Ups or jumping pull-ups
20 Wall Ball shots 20lb,14’/14lb,9′
40 Double Unders
4 Muscle-Ups
For both versions, rest 2 minutes between sets. Score total time including rest.
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Check out more pictures from TTD by Brian Hotaling here.
You can also see the pictures along with other from our in house photogs Asta and Bekka P on our Flickr stream.
CFSBK Member To Do List:
- RSVP for the potluck this Saturday at 7:00pm.
- Register for the CrossFit Open on team CrossFit South Brooklyn
- Check the Flickr page to confirm that you left ALL YOUR CLOTHING EVER at the gym, then go pick it up.
- Make a mental note that there is Active Recovery is no longer available on Thursdays at 7:00am but now IS available Sundays at 11am.
- Consider getting your “Yoga for Athletes” on tonight at 6:30pm with Whitney H.
- Have an insanely nice day.
2000m Rowing Race this Saturday!
Come watch the “CRASH-Beasts” race this Saturday at 2:30. These folks have been training with Coach Nick since late October for the CRASH-B Indoor World Rowing Championship in Boston in mid-February. The race on Saturday is their final test – they’ve already done one 2K and two 6Ks – and will be projected on the big screen. Cheer them on to new PRs!!
1984 Olympic Men’s Single Sculls Rowing final