15 minutes to work up to your heaviest load on the complex:
1 Press
3 Push Press
5 Push Jerk (no split)
Rest as needed between sets. Work out of a rack. Stay on the bar for the entire complex, no re-racking.
Post loads to comments.
15 Minutes NFRs of:
5-8 Strict Chin-ups (band or partner assist)
10 Dumbbell Push Press, moderate weight
10ea Dumbbell Lunges, moderate weight
15 Minutes NFRs of:
3-5 Ice Cream Makers, on rings or bar
5 Dumbbell Push Press, AHAP
5ea Dumbbell Lunges, AHAP
Control your tempo and positions on the ICM’ers. You can modify this movement by tucking one or both legs while still keeping your midline.
Post loads and volume to comments.
Elite level Triathlete and CFSBKer, Michael Olzinski
- Save the date! Remember that on Saturday, 2/22 we’ll be hosting our second Community Potluck and LFPB awards ceremony!
- Congratulations to Nick P for wining last night’s Mario Kart 64 Tournament! Also huge thanks to Matt K for helping set it up and running the show! Check out a clip on our instagram page.
Endurance Program at CFSBK
If you are interested, we will be holding an INFORMATIONAL MEETING this Saturday 2/15 at 1pm where we can give all of the details behind the program.
You can email Michael at michael.olzinski (at) gmail.com with any additional questions.
Active Recovery on Inside the Affiliate
Haven’t you always wanted to be an elegant gazelle? A graceful crane? A SUPPLE LEOPARD? That’s what we thought. We love being supple and mobile like sleek leopards at CFSBK—hence our Active Recovery classes. This Monday’s post on ITA is called Running An Active Recovery Class at Your Affiliate. Check it out and spread the mobility love!
Also, check out these awesome testimonials about the program:
-Lauren B
“AR is a great opportunity to be very intentional about mobility. I’m a desk warrior who would much rather be moving heavy weight around most days of the week, but have found that I’m simply not going to get to the places and positions I want to be in if I don’t spend time focusing on my ability to move without restriction. At least for one hour every week I get to put in that time and actually make positive changes, even while I’m fighting to just stay the same most of the time.”
– Joel W
Are CrossFit gym memberships worth it? Project Mayhem
11 reasons why I take my shirt off when I workout Train Heroic