Workout of the Day
A. Bench Press, 3×4-6
B. Back Squat, 3×6-8
C. (2 Snatches + 1 Overhead Squat) x 6-8 Sets
D. Strict Press, 3×8-12
E. Deadlift, 3×6-8
Tomorrow we have push ups, DB snatches, rowing, and biking.
You may superset with a non-interfering bodyweight or DB/KB movement if desired.
The lifts can be sets across or building. The rep schemes are the same as last week for ABDE, so aim to increase reps in the range if you were at the low end OR increase load if you were maxing out the reps. Next week we will see a decrease in volume on the squat and deadlift options.
Snatch Complex: Beginner lifters: use ight to moderate load and aim for consistency with ranges of motion and mechanics. Int/Adv lifters: start at 50-60% and build by ~5% each set. Feel free to use “wave” loading as well!
EMOM x 14 min
A. 3 Wall Walks + Max Reps Double Unders
B. Rest
This is a repeat! Track back to Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024.
Once you complete your wall walks, smoothly transition into double unders – stay relaxed in your wrists and shoulders to mantain efficiency. The goal is maximizing reps while keeping breathing under control.
In the rest minute, aim to slow your breathing back down and prepare mentally for the next round.
Wall Walk Scaling (spend no more than 30 seconds here)
A. 1-2 Full Range of Motion
B. 1-2 Partial ROM
C. 20 Sec Angled Wall Hold
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/8)
Coach Katie’s IronWorks program is 2 years old today! An appreciation event was held at Mama Tried for current members and alumni. Here is the crew holding up their IronWorks Superlatives!
Picture bottom left counter clockwise: Such, Justin, Jax, Lizzie, Kirsten, Alex, Coach Katie and Neal.