Workout of the Day
A. Bench Press, 3×4-6
B. Back Squat, 3×4-6
C. Front Squat, 3×4-6
D. Strict Press, 3×6-10
E. Deadlift, 3×4-6
Tomorrow we have wall walks, DB snatches, and box jump overs.
ABDE lifts are the same rep schemes as last week. The lifts can be sets across or building.
Snatch: Can be Power or Squat, athlete’s choice! Beginners: work with light to moderate loads and aim for consistency. Int/Adv: Aim to do all of your sets within the 65-85% range today, or a bit heavier if things are moving well.
12 Rounds for Time (6 each)
12/9 Cal Row
9 Thrusters (95/65/45#)
Partners alternate full rounds of work, 6 each, 12 total.
Intent < 15 min. Each round should be 1:15 or less. Scale volume, load, or both as needed!
Choose a barbell weight you can do unbroken throughout the workout.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/8)
Adam K doing a public service to the CFSBK community and tightening and calibrating all our bumpers so that each nut has equal torque. WHAT A GUY
Trouble with the Front Rack?
Racking the barbell in front whether it be for Thrusters, Front Squats, Cleans or Shoulder to Overheads can be a challenge for many. Inability to get the elbows up enough is often due to tightness in your triceps, NOT your wrists despite what it may feel like. The drill below, performed for about 1:00 per arm is in my (Coach David) experience the most effective and efficient way to prime your shoulders for racking a barbell in front. Try one arm and see if you feel a difference before doing the other. This can be a complete game changer for many who struggle with this position.