Workout of the Day
A. Bench Press, 3×4-6
B. Back Squat, 3×4-6
C. Snatch, 6-9 sets x 2 reps
D. Strict Press, 3×6-10
E. Deadlift, 3×4-6
Tomorrow we have rowing, DB snatches, box step overs, toes to bar, and handstand push ups.
ABDE lifts are the same rep schemes as last week. The lifts can be sets across or building.
Snatch: Can be Power or Squat, athlete’s choice! Beginners: work with light to moderate loads and aim for consistency. Int/Adv: Aim to do all of your sets within the 65-85% range today, or a bit heavier if things are moving well.
For Time
400m Run
15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95/65#)
270m Run
12 Hang Power Cleans
130m Run
9 Hang Power Cleans
Intent < 8 min
Run: If 400m will be longer than 2:30 (10 min mile pace), scale to 270m/200m/130m. For 200m, turnaround point is the edge of the green ramp!
HPC: Scale load so you can complete the round of 15 in 1-3 relatively quick sets.
Be mindful of your fellow athletes today when transitioning to/from your barbell and in/out the door on each round. Run fast when you’re outside! 🥶
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/8)
Koji and Jess with that post workout glow 😍
Cycling Hang Power Cleans
When performing multiple reps on the hang power clean, a few things are going to help with your efficiency.
- Keep your feet in the strength stance instead of adjusting from strength to power every rep. Because you’re using a medium weight for higher reps, you can keep yourself grounded and focus on the action of the hips, knees and arms.
- Keep the bar close to your body both on the way up and back down. Note in the video how he recovers the back from his shoulders by having it slide down his chest and then moves his hips back out of the bars way to end up in the same position he started.
- IF you’re flexible enough, maintain your hook grip instead of releasing it at the top. This only applies to people who can create a mature front rack position while keeping their hook grip in. If that’s not you and you need to open your hand, practice reclaiming your hook grip on the way back down. Do not use a standard grip it will blow up your forearms!
Both videos less than 2:00