Workout of the Day
A. Bench Press, 3×4-6
B. Back Squat, 3×4-6
C. (2 Squat Cleans + 2-4 Front Squats) x 4-6 Sets
D. Strict Press, 3×6-10
E. Back Rack Reverse Lunge, 3×10 Alt (5ea)
Tomorrow we have Pull-ups, Bar Muscle-ups, Double Unders, and Thrusters.
ABD lifts are the same rep schemes as last week. The lifts can be sets across or building.
Clean Complex: Use prior weeks as guidance on loading. Start moderate and build as you’re able across the sets. If you fail a rep, come back down in load and “wave” up again.
Since we have deadlifts in the workout today, your final floater option is lunges! Take at least 2 warm up sets before the three work sets here.
For Time:
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 Reps each of:
Deadlifts (225/155/105#)
Intent < 8 min. Scale as needed to achieve a challenging, but relatively quick traverse up and down the ladder.
DL: Moderate load, about 55-65% of a 1RM.
Burpee Scaling:
A. 1-3-5-7-9-7-5-3-1 Full ROM Reps
B. 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 No Push Up
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/8)
The people’s champ, Eric A making short work of some Dumbbell Snatches
The CrossFit Open is Upon Us
For the past 15 years CrossFit has hosted a worldwide competition called the CrossFit Open, this is the first stage in the CrossFit Games season to crown the fittest on earth. For the vast majority of people, the Open is an opportunity to test their fitness and celebrate the thing we love so much with our affiliate and worldwide community. The Open follows the same cadence each week. The workout is released on the CrossFit Games website on Thursdays at 12 p.m. (noon) Pacific Time, and you have until Monday at 5 p.m. PT to do the workout and submit your score online. At the end of each week, you can see where you stack up against the world, in your age group, and within your division by viewing the worldwide CrossFit Games Leaderboard.
Register for the 2025 CrossFit Open here
Every Friday (2/28, 3/7, 3/14) starting at 5pm we’ll run four 30 minute heats of the Open workout in 597. This is a more festive approach to the Open where we light up the space, break out the discoball and encourage folks to come watch. It’s a lot of fun! Check out the themes for each week below to join the party.
Spectators are highly encouraged! Come cheer on your fellow community members as they get after these workouts!
Note that your heat start time means that’s when we’ll review the standards and start your workout. All warm-ups will be DIY in 608 before your heat. We also ask that after you perform your workout (and recover) you help judge someone from the next heat. Volunteer judges from folks watching are also extremely appreciated!!
Register for FNLs here for free!
We will run the Open workouts Saturdays in group classes on 3/1, 3/8 and 3/15. Sign-up for these classes will work as normal and be available to all CFSBK members.
Each class will include a warm-up, standards review and then run two heats of the workout so that one person can perform the workout while another judges before switching roles.
Members who would like to perform the workout in Open Gym between Thursday and Monday are allowed to but need to manage getting their own judge. Their judge needs to be someone else registered for the Open or well versed in CrossFit.
Each week we’ll have a different theme and encourage members to dress the part and add a little more fun and silliness to the event.
🏴☠️ 25.1 – Pirates of CrossFit South Brooklyn 🏴☠️
Arrrr you ready for the Open? Set sail for Week 1, where we embrace the high seas, the heavy lifts, and the lawless pirate life. Dress up as a swashbuckler, sea captain, parrot or rock our very pirate-coded SBK skull and bones gear. Eye patches, bandanas, and sea shanties encouraged. Plunder the workout, then toast with your crew post workout!
😴 25.2 – Pajama Party Throwdown 😴
It’s Week 2, and we’re rolling out of bed and straight into the Open. Wear your coziest PJs, onesies, or sleepwear—but don’t sleep on 25.2! Whether you’re rocking bedtime slippers or flannel pants, get comfy, lift heavy, and dream big. After the WOD, we’ll refuel with some warm milk and a bedtime story.
🎸⛵ 25.3 – Punk Rock vs. Yacht Rock Showdown 🎸⛵
For the grand finale, choose your side: Are you a CFSBK punk rocker ready to smash the WOD or are you smooth-sailing in polos, pastels, and boat shoes, riding the yacht rock wave to fitness glory? Pick your vibe, dress the part, and let’s send the Open out with a bang or splash.
Some members have expressed their disinterest in registering for the Open through CrossFit due to either the organization’s handling of Lazar Đukić’s drowning at last year’s Games or its updated gender policy, which excludes transgender athletes from competing in their chosen gender category.
In response, we have reached out to the CrossFit Games team to share our perspectives on why we believe this policy change is a major step backward. Additionally, unlike in previous years, we will allow members who choose not to register for the Open due to these concerns to participate in Friday Night Lights and complete the official workouts in Saturday classes.
Please note that members who do not register through CrossFit will not be included on the event leaderboards, as these are managed by CrossFit and based on worldwide rankings.
We ask that everyone respect the choices of their fellow community members and participate in whatever way feels right for them.