"Although it may sound strange, we humans "eat" the sun as a nutrient. Just as plants use sunlight to produce energy, the action of sunlight on our skin produces the "sunshine vitamin," natural vitamin D. The health benefits of this miraculous vitamin are legion, including building and strengthening bones, regulating calcium metabolism, influencing our mood, alleviating depression, boosting metabolism, and, amazingly enough, preventing the growth of cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate and even malignant melanoma"
–Dr. Micheal and Mary Eades
Protein Power Lifeplan
Take a pass on sunblock this summer and enjoy the natural relashionship between yourself and the primary catalyst of all life on earth, the Sun. Ween in some sun-time everyday, if you're fair skinned a couple minutes may be enough at first. Remember to NEVER burn, this is your body's natural mechanism for saying "too much sun!" Better to cover up a little or find some shade than slop on some questionable sunblock and try to override what your skin is telling you.
Vitamin D Council
How the media disses low-carb diets pt. 1
How the media disses low-carb diets pt. 2