Back Squat
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Assistance work:
+ Bulgarian Split Squats 3×8
+ Dead Hang competition: Whoever can hang from the pull-up bar the longest gets a free Pioneer Valley CrossFit "Kool-aid" shirt! (Men hang on the 1.5" side and women on the 1.25") Thanks Sean and Sandy!
+ Develop an outline for achieving one of your performance focuses and start day 1.
(I will obviously assist you on this)
CrossFit NYC's Gillian Mounsey Strength and beauty!
Starting Strength Wiki
WOD 6.22.08
4 Rounds for Time of:
2-Pood Kettlebell Swings 10 Reps
20" Box Jumps 15 Reps
20 foot Rope Climb 2 Ascents
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Assistance work:
Foam Roll and Stretch!
How to improve your thoracic mobility
7 Dynamic Stretches to improve your hip mobility
You want a healthy back? Stop stretching it.
50 Muscle-ups for time
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If you've own a pair of rings, please bring them.
Accessory work:
3 Rounds of:
10 Windmills each side
10 Knee to Elbows (or :20 of lever progression)
Choose and develop plan of attack for your "performance focus".
Albany ECC hopper: mov wmv
Scott Kustes' favorite fitness blogs
These shirts are guaranteed not only to elevate your social status, but
increase your potency as a CrossFitter as well! Anyone seeking said
self-improvement can purchase one in class for $20.
“Fitness is Earned”
This is our classic Skull and Crossbones t-shirt.
Text: (Front) CrossFit South Brooklyn, 3,2,1.. Go!, “Fitness is Earned”
Celebrate the living legend, Jacinto Bonilla with this “Warrior” t-shirt designed by our own John C.
Text: (Front) “Warrior”, (Back) “Fitness is Earned at CrossFit South Brooklyn”
“South Brooklyn Performance Logs“
Track your workouts with our very own log book. In addition to WOD entry, they include strength standards, benchmark workouts and lifts, nutrition information, an acronym guide and an overview of CrossFit’s definition of fitness.
Look inside : WOD Entry, Strength Standards, Benchmarks, and much more!
All shirts are available in S/M/L/XL both in men’s t-shirts and women’s tank tops. Please email Info(AT) if you would like to order one online. Shirts and logs ordered online require an additional $5 fee for S&H.
We’ve also got some rad shirts, hoodies and baby cothing by John C! They are available online HERE