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Accessory Work
3 Rounds NFT of:
5 Turkish Get-Ups, each arm
10 Knees To Elbows
If your skill set is there, go Heavy on the Turkish Get-Ups today. Knees to Elbows are strict, aim for one second at the top and bottom of each rep without kipping.
Mobility 5
Charmel and John C improve their GPP.
Not For Time (NFT) implies that increasing work capacity is not the primary objective for the workout. Strength, flexibility, coordination, agility, accuracy and/or balance can play more dominant roles depending on the movements selected and the intentions of the athlete. Have fun with them.
The Wing Suits video is AMAZING. Thanks Brian for the heads up. Chips DVD also looks great, i can’t wait to meet him later this month.
Looking forward the new batch of CrossFitters at 8pm tonight. It’s our first Foundations Cycle of 2009!
bsq: 3-3-3-3-3
(40×5, 70×5, 110×5)
120-125-130-140-150* PR
150 could have had better depth. my old PR for 3 was 135
accessory work this am was:3 rounds nft12 rows (each arm)12 KTE
used 20# for rows, had to jet so doing kte on bar at home
charmel and i had shane all to ourselves! thanks shane for answering my many questions @ 7am!
Stephanie, you have a pull-up bar a home? Do tell!
bethany – i got it at modells. its actually pretty cool – you don’t have to mount it, you can move it to different door frames. i’m not sure of the exact name of it, but it has different grips and is really easy to put together, plus it was only $30.
i was telling shane this morning though, it only fits in one door frame at my apartment – the bathroom’s!
BSQ 5×5(45×8, 95×5, 135×3, 155×5)175×3, 185×3, 195×3, 205×3*, 215×1
a little ambitious with my 215 attempt..
TGU/K2E as Rx’dPlayed with 65# Barbell for some doubles, didn’t feel strong so i scaled back to a 40# DB and did 4 variations on the GU
Great to meet Mac from CF Cherry Point.
Thanks guys for the support on that last set. It’s so helpful!
Accessory:used 1 pood for a couple of TGUs then scaled to30#db. Played with all the variations and actually found the original method to be the most challenging.
I spent my time squatting with the ladies tonight and everyone single person’s form is really coming along.
Great work to the new Foundations class! I look forward to spending the next month with you all.
Snatch Pull155x5x5
Accessory used 1 1/2 pood KB
25 lbs
235×3, 245×3, 225×3, 225×3, 225×3
Dropped back after the second round to concentrate on form. I really just want to do a single at 300 (I managed an UGLY 285 last total).
warm-up BSQ45x5, 65×5, 90×3
Thank u Margie and Bethany! I had fun with the ladies tonight. Margie u kicked butt! 😉
See u guys saturday
my homework assignment16 tabata squat
Thanks for the great first Foundations class!17 tabata squat
Big thanks after that first foundations class.
Tabata squat score was 15 for me.
Warm-upFoam RollingCFWU x 3-Played w/ butterfly kip a little otherwise chest to bar
BSQ3-3-3-3-3-3(45x5x2, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 165×2, 175×1)185, 195, 205, 215, 220Had to fight for the last two sets.
Accessory Work1.5 PoodInspired by Charmel, I did the K2E shin to pull-up bar-The TGUs were TOUGH. Hadn’t done these in a while nice to play heavy.
Welcome to all the new Foundations folks.
See everyone this weekend!
oops. that last post was by ME not David.
BSQ 5×395, 100, 107, 110, 115
Thanks Steph! Sounds like a worth investment of $30. Does it work by tension?
Back Squat 5×3:(40×5, 60×5, 90×5)110, 115, 120, 123, 127
Accessory:Turkish getups w/ 12kg KBKnees as far towards elbows as they get
See y’all this weekend!
5×3 squats: 195, 205, 215, 225, 225(f), 185
a/w @ 30lbs. really upset I missed the wednesday accessory work, I love me some rope climbs.
bethany – it actually rests on the door frame. i’m embarassed to include this link, but this is the one:
see everyone tomorrow
I used to have one of those. I don’t know if you should kip on them. It could fall off the door and then we will have an again-injured steph.
btw– the best line from that vid “now it’s getting boring so we play around.” jumping off a cliff and FLYING is boring to these people. damn.
I love that the #3 Hot Informercial Product on that site is “Urine Gone”.
It was awesome having a personal trainer for yesterday’s WOD! Mack, thanks a lot for the new warm up protocol and coaching. Semper (P) (Fi)
yeah, it definitely seems to be only good for strict pull ups, which i need to work on. but thanks for the advice, i’m not a fan of “injured steph”
Steph,That is an awesome website!
I am very much intrigued by the avocado slicer, forearm forklifts and the dust mop slippers.
bethany, i have one too that may work for you. it totally works with kipping (i have mine too low, however) and is removable.
It has brackets that the tension bar sits in and those brackets are screwed into the door frame and then the bar sits in there and uses tension to expand it to the frame itself. It’s really strong and you can take it down really easily to avoid clothes-lining the people walking around in your apartment (or leave it up like i do to mess with taller people).
As for BSQ, I went from feeling good with this on Jan 1 to feeling very squirrely, so i suspect the imbalance that trashed my knees 2 yrs ago is hinting that its coming back. keeping the weights very low these days and trying to get the form more solid while i do more PT stuff on the side.
TGUs were interesting. The Turks have some whacked out fitness regimens. My arms were real tired after those.