Please show up at Wollman Rink tonight at 6pm tonight for Ice Skating
Cost: $5 for skating; $6.50 for Skate rental.
2009 CrossFit Games Regional Qualifiers
Eva T's Austere Heavy WOD
Max attempts 15 Clean and Jerks at 224
Established 2007
Posted on
Please show up at Wollman Rink tonight at 6pm tonight for Ice Skating
Cost: $5 for skating; $6.50 for Skate rental.
2009 CrossFit Games Regional Qualifiers
Eva T's Austere Heavy WOD
Max attempts 15 Clean and Jerks at 224
Posted on
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
Post total to comments
compare to 10.25.08
Accessory Work
100 Burpees for time
Who's in for Ice Skating tomorrow?
When: Friday, January 2, 6-9pm
Where: Wollman Rink, Prospect Park
Cost: $5 for skating; $6.50 for Skate rental.
Contact for more info.
January Paleo Month Starts today! Who is in and what are your guidelines?
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Posted on
Post loads to comments.
compare to 12.10.08, 11.15.08
Accessory work
4 Rounds of :30 on :30 off at the following stations:
Box Jumps, 20"
Sit-up/Wall Ball complex, 10lb ball
Foot Speed drill, 10" box
Kettlebell Swings, 1 pood
Post sum of lowest scores to comments.
Level 2 reviews the Accessory work movements.
Check out this Great site!
Beyond the Whiteboard
Posted on
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
Post rounds completed to comments.
Accessory Work
PNF Hamstrings/Calves
Ed, Asta, Ilya and Jillian prep for "Annie" during our Teaser Class.
Teaser classes are a great way to get a taste of CrossFit before signing up for a Foundations Cycle. Each class covers elements of the CrossFit Warm-Up, 1-2 low skill movements and wraps up with a short workout. Come see if our program is right for you any Saturday at 11:15am.