WOD 7.16.09
21-15-9 reps of
Mid Hang Power Clean or Snatch
Knees to Elbows
135 is Rx'd for the clean and 95 for the Snatch
Accessory Work
Bent Over DB Rows 3×12
1500m Pace Row
While keeping your stroke rating below 25, see if you can hold consistent splits dropping :10 every 300m. This pace row is less about intensity and more about control and technique.
For example:
0-300m 2:30pace / 300-600m 2:20 pace / 600-900m 2:10 pace / 900-1200 2:00 pace / 1200-1500 1:50 pace
Floreio Art Ido Portal's Blog
Primal Strength Training for Women Mark's Daily Apple
Random "Side Effects" of Paleo and Low Carb JO's Blog of Pwnage
John Bachar Dies at 51 NY Times
Push Jerk
Post loads to comments
compare to 7.6.09
Accessory Work
Tabata Wall Ball
Ring Inversions
Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful responses to yesterdays rest day question. It's obvious there are many reasons why we stay fit beyond the mental and physical benefits. I think success with CrossFit requires dedication, integrity and a strong sense of personal responsibility. These traits are common in our athletes and responsible for the strength of our community.
(except Jack)
CrossFit Virtuosity finally gets a home all it's own. Congratulations Keith, Sam and everyone else from the CFV Crew. Keep your eyes peeled everyone, this program is gonna spread like wild fire.
Rest Day
AJ cools down on the Erg
Remember that on August 1st Tushar is hosting a CrossFit Movie screening at his apartment. Please email David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you are interested in attending. It will be an informal potluck, beer and paleo snacks would be appreciated.
Please remember that even if you're registered with Mind Body Online, you must still sign into the book every day before class.
Jacinto Storm! 09 pictures are up under the Events Photos tab. Check them out!
Do you have someone or something in your life that specifically motivates you to be more fit?
Post loads to comments.
compare to 5.17.09
Accessory Work
3 Rounds NFT of
10 Toes to Bars
1 Farmers Walk around the Lyceum
What was your favorite part of the Games this year?
Jacinto Bonilla, Part 2 CF Journal Preview
Quest For the Affiliate Cup Free CF Journal Article