Handstand Push-Up Practice
5 Rounds NFT:
5 Forward Rolls, over barriers
5 Box Jumps, increasing height
Nick K improvises some hay bail Jumps
Check out "Food in Mouth" from, Margie's Local
Happy Birthday, Gabe E!
Here are the WODs for the Hoboken Winter Challenge
Event 1
7 Clean and Jerks (145/95)
7 Burpees
7 Rounds For time
Event 2
10 Ring Dips
20 Air Squats
Amrap in 10 minutes
Event 3
1500 meter Row
For time
paul says
can we make up barbara if we missed the fun yesterday?
Laurel says
The challenge workouts sound like a lot of fun! Now I’m feeling silly for not signing up… although my back might have kept me out anyway. Oh well, we’ll be seeing a play and star gazing at an observatory in New Jersey that night. Good luck everyone!
David says
Anton says
I just read the workouts for the Hoboken competition. I can only speak for me: the workout #1 would be very difficult to get 49 C&J at 15 lbs more than BW. I think I could do it, but my time would not be great. However I know I could do really well on the second workout.. I haven’t done a 1500 row in a while.. I can’t wait to try workout #1 some night in the near future. Good Luck to all the participants.
David says
I lied to some of the folks in the morning class today. Due to some curve balls thrown our way we’ll be Front Squatting on Saturday as originally planned and doing the Partner/Team WOD on Sunday.
Thanks,The Management
Jess says
This looks awesome:http://www.warriordash.com/register2010_northeast.php
Anyone interested?
Joe says
Jess-Sounds fun!
paul says
ok. I am going to make up barbara at the 6pm class in case anyone is interested in joining me.
Laurel says
Jess – that looks like fantastic fun!
tam says
Really? I guess it does look fun, but I’m feeling a bit like piglet today. Piglet to your Pooh, Laurel. That last box jump really flummoxed me this morning and my body just never seemed to coalesced. Too sleepy I guess.
Nino says
I did the handstand pushup practice this morning and to prove it, I now have what appear to be lots of tiny burst blood vessels in my face. No regrets, tho.
Also, I kind of feel like a punk for not doing Barbara.
jack says
Handstand Pushups- My shoulders are fried from Barbara. This should be interesting
cloyde says
handstand pushup pratcice was fun. i can go down on the pushups, coming up is a whole other story. getting more use to being upside down. it still registers as very wrong to my brain. played around with some deadlifts and muscle ups but i didnt really have it today.
Vincent Dugan says
11:50 (i think) w 3 abmats.
Somewhere around the halfway mark the movement started to click.
paul says
I made up barbara from yesterday. I feel very mentally slow after wods like this, like I am in a fog or something.
total 20:48. back in march, I did this in 20:51, but I’ll take a 3 second PR any day of the week and twice on sunday. see y’all this weekend.
Sameer Parekh says
that warrior thing looks fun. looks like we have a long time before we have to sign up:
$45 until 11:59pm on December 31, 2010$55 until 11:59pm on August 2, 2010$65 until 11:59pm on August 23, 2010$75 until 11:59pm on September 13, 2010
we can sign up AFTER the event even! and only pay $45.
awesome. sign me up.
but only after i did it.
missed handstands today, had to deal with some job search stuff. today was actually a productive job search day, fingers crossed.
not as sore as i would have thought post barbara.. i really could have pushed more i guess muscularly, but i think the food i’d eaten yesterday and remembering the prior pukie slowed me down. (but didn’t stop me from pukie land. hm.)
anyway, everyone must attend my birthday festivities tomorrow! saturday is front squats so that is the perfect way to work off your hangover from my birthday party.
David Mak says
Many thanks to McG and Charlotte for the major assist with getting inverted. Long way to go (damn shoulder mobility!).
Did some 40lb DB presses (5×3)Finished with what I thought was going to be leisurely 2K row but it sure didn’t feel like that at the end! 7:20.9
Have a great weekend all.
katie says
Forward rolls went better than I thought. I feel limited by wrist flexibility strangely enough, but I’m sure it’ll get better.
Then worked on HSPU against the wall and did the DB presses. 25#, 5×8. Very much feeling those sit-ups from yesterday.
Jeremy says
4:45 as RXd. Hadn’t done HSPU’s in months. Took a few reps for the movement to feel right.
.DMG says
WU300m row
very good HSPU practice with charlotte and d mak. really good HSPU’s charlotte!arms and shoulders were fried from barbara.
5×3 DB press 40, 45, 50
easy 2k row 16 s/m 7:56
Fox says
Made up Barbra w/ David. He’s a good carrot to chase.
1 – 3:452 – 4:163 – 4:594 – 5:405 – 5:05
Total work time – 23:45Total time – 35:45
Big time headache and a bit nauseous for about 10 min after. Ate some food and felt much better.
Acc Work: Handstand practice under glaring light. Sorry Dan, for my Irish eyes.
Laurel says
45 HSPU for time: White-band assisted Handstand Push-ups – 24:55.
Malcolm says
I loved the warmup. Most warmup activities are necessary evils. This was just about as much fun as I could imagine.
Did 45 hspu for time Rx’d. Head to floor on every rep (have the slightly bloody scalp to prove it). 25:37. I think I want to do this again in six months and see if I can’t take half off that time.
Bethany says
Dear Willie and Allan,I’m really sorry I dropped you! I think I now fully understand how to spot a handstand properly.xoB.
Charlotte says
This was fun. thanks DMak and DMG for helping me with HSPUs–did 3×3 with tons of assistance. I love being upside-down. I wish I could balance there. Box jumps were fun, too.Thanks Shane and Margie for clean coaching. I am feeling less freaked out about Hoboken.
Speaking of which: all y’all competing/participating in the Winter Challenge: David wants to do 2 sessions with us to help us dial in (or try for the very first time!) the movements. Please EMAIL ME at charlottejerome(at)gmail(dot)com with some times that work for you. (or maybe better, times that don’t work.) David is willing to do it during class times or whatever works for us. Maybe Monday and Wednesday, I’m thinking.
Allan E says
Dear Bethany,Now I know how Charlie Brown must have felt all these times Lucy pulled away his football.
But thanks for the sweet apology — there was really no need. Only my pride and sense of dignity were injured.Yours sportingly,Allan x
tam says
Mystery Meat!
Jack says
I had an eye opener on the erg last night. I got in between David Mak and Mcg to row a 2000 meter. I was pounding away at 30 strokes per minute, while they were doing it from 16 to the low 20’s, yet they both finished a full 2 minutes ahead of me. Now granted, height differences are a real factor, but there’s no doubt that technique is what’s most important. Conclusion:I got a lot to learn on the erg, definitely need more practice. Thanks for the tips, Nick.
tam says
Is anyone going away for the holidays who would like to sublet their apartment for a night or two? My family is coming into town and I am looking for lodging for them. A one or two bedroom in the Slope would be preferred, and it would be for the 24 & 25. Email me at tamsonw (at) gmail (dot) com to work out details.
paul says
jack, it is indeed amazing how fast you can go with a low stroke rate. I can row a 2k @ 1:57/500m pretty easily at 15 strokes/minute.