Tabata interval the following movements for 8 rounds each:
Wall Ball, 20/14
Box Jumps, 20"
Kettlebell Swings, 1.5p/1p
Post total reps for each movement and total reps to comments.
Medicine Ball Throwing
Rotational: 10x each side, x2
Stepping In: 10x each side, x2
George and Chris work on their synchronized jump rope routine
For those of you who can't make the AM sessions this week, heres your CrossFit At Home
Warm-Up x3:
8 Lunges Each Leg
Samson Stretch, :15 each
:30 Lateral Plank Each Side
5 Gillies, Each Side
10-15 Minutes Handstand Practice. What did you learn the first time? Spend today's session on a specific aspect of the movement.
Use to mark off a 400m path. Perform 4 Attempts of a ~400m Run, rest as needed.
Post Wod:
Do something different. Jog/Bike to a part of town you're not familiar with, try to do some cartwheels, bear crawls, find something to climb.. just create a new experience!