(E3/4) L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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Assistance Work
Spend 15 Minutes working the following two movements:
5-10 Ring Rows
3-5 Forward Rolls
Play with different arm positions, angles, weights and ways to pull yourself up on ring rows. Be creative with your forward rolls. Jump over obstacles, forward roll from a handstand, go for distance. Rest as needed during this assistance work.
Strength Cycle A is sold out! We've still got one more slot left for Cycle B of Jeremy's 8 Week Strength Intensive. Here are the details:
Tuesday at 7pm
Thursday at 7pm
Sunday at 12pm
April 20th
– June 13th
Welcome Yolanda T, John M, Robin R, Will S, Emily H and Stephen P! Today is our first ever afternoon Foundations cycle.