3 Rounds of:
4 Tabata Intervals: Dumbbell Push Press
4 Tabata Intervals: Box Jump
4 Tabata Intervals: Kettlebell Swing
Rest 1 Minute
1 Tabata Interval = :20 Work / :10 Rest
Post total reps per movement and Rx to comments.
Skill Work
Jerk landing drills
Becca S gets strong at the CFSBK Annex, Quist Industries
Rebecca S, Paulie S, Ryan P, Josh M, Christian F, Jeremy F, Katie M, Juliana A, Jess F, Sameer P, Dan R and Margie L have all registered for this weekend's Strongman/woman competition at CrossFit Virtuosity. The events are as follows:
Turkish Delight: Each athlete attempts five one-armed Turkish Get-Ups (up only): one at each of the listed weights.
Women: 22#, 42#, 52#, 65#, 75#
Men: 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#, 105#
Atlas Stone Hoist: Each athlete must hoist three stones over a barrier. Score is total time taken to complete all three hoists. 1 minute cap.
Women: 38″ barrier; 72#, 95#, 116#
Men: 49″ barrier; 95#, 135#, 175#
Press-Off: Max reps keg shoulder-to-overhead in 30 seconds (100#/50#.)
Drag Race: 80′ sled drag (160#/100#) for time.
Interested? Sign up here!