3 x Max Reps with 3 minutes rest
Pick a scale that allows for at least 5 reps on the first set
Strict Reps, no kip
There is a 10 Push-Up buy-in for HSPUs
21-15-9 Reps For Time of:
Push Press 115/80
Box Jumps 20"
Pull Ups
Scale up: Push Press 125-135/85-90, Box Jumps 24", Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Post CrossFit Total
CFSBK has one team registered for CrossFit Virtuosity's Trick or Treat Throwdown. Interested in participating? Post to comments!!
Congratulations to all the Strength Athletes on yesterday's CROSSFIT TOTAL yesterday. There was a tremendous amount of energy and camaraderie in the gym last night as everyone pushed and pulled to move as much weight as possible. Please post your TOTAL numbers to comments.
Now that it's all over, what did you get out of Jeremy's Strength Intensive?