5 Rounds for time of:
5 Power Snatch 115/75
5 Overhead Squat 115/75
25 Double Unders
*Last Power Snatch leads into first Overhead Squat
Post loads and times to comments.
Ladies of the Competition Class
CrossFit South Brooklyn Competition Team!!
CrossFit South Brooklyn is proud to announce the launch of it's newest class, SBK Competition Team. This class is for the advanced CrossFitter who has an interest in competing in CrossFit on the regional and national level. Programming is challenging and focused. Attention is paid to the more esoteric aspects and full squat versions of the Olympic lifts, advanced gymnastics skills, team workouts, and WODs that hit harder in general. Scaling options for these WODs are little to none and srtict ROM standards are enforced. We’ve invited a few athletes to join the beta version of the class based on either previous participation in competitive CrossFit events, an expressed desire to compete, or the ability to do most if not all WODs Rx’d (and with competitive results). We’re stoked to put together a team to represent South Brooklyn at the CrossFit Games and other events this year! The class currently meets on Tuesday at 7pm and Sunday at noon and is by invitation only. Email Christian@CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com or Jeremy@CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com for info.
Speaking of Competition…..
For those interested in competing in a CrossFit competition there are two great events coming up over the next couple of months:
CrossFit Long Island City is hosting a pretty unique event on January 29, 2011. Their "Frostbite Competition" will feature intense CrossFit WODs in freezing cold temperatures. Click HERE for details/registration.
Our good friends CrossFit Queens are putting on a women's-only competition "Hail to the Queen" on February 26, 2011. This event was created to showcase the strength and skill of the local CrossFit community's female athletes. Click HERE for details/registration.
Rest Day Dinner with Will S. and Robin R.
Red Meat Gives Women Strokes? No. Primal Wisdom
Hey Robb, This Person Said Gluten Free Diets Are Bogus Robbwolf.com
I hesitated for a moment, figuring it was a lost cause, giving them about a 5 second lead. Then I thought, "lift heavy things, sprint occasionally…" so I gave chase. Realizing I'd catch them in a half a block, they ditched the phone, crossed the street, and walked away.
I'm not at all sure what I'd have done had I caught up with them, so I'm really glad it turned out the way it did. But I'll admit it was fun to run down fleeing thieves. I'd say this was the first real-world high-adrenaline situation where I felt the benefits of Crossfit profoundly. (Note I would not have done this if it were not the middle of the day with plenty of witnesses…)"
Potluck Tonight!
Tonight is the Paleo Potluck! The event starts at 6pm and we're hoping to wrap things up by about 9pm. If anyone could stay after for a bit and help clean up it would be greatly appreciated. We've had a tremendous amount of people respond and we couldn't be more excited about getting everyone together to eat and socialize. Also remember that Erica and Greg N are hosting an after-party at their apartment. If you'd like to attend, please email erica.nofi(at)yahoo.com
See you all tonight!