Malcolm nice and upright during the OHS
A Star is Born
Congratulations to Scott J. and Suzy on the birth of their son August (Gus) Myers Jackson! Gus was born 1/15/11 and both mom and baby boy are doing great!
Rest Day Dinners Hosts Needed
We've got 5 remaining Paleo-themed Rest Day dinners remaining during the Challenge. We currently have two hosting slots unfilled:
Friday, January 21
Friday, February 4
Remember, these can be informal, either hosted in-home or at a restaurant of your choosing.
The purpose of these dinners is to serve as reinforcement during the Challenge, giving folks a way to share difficulties and successes in a positive environment. If you're interested in being the host w/ the most please email us at info(AT)
Upcoming Seminars and Certs and SBK
There are still slots available for Kelly Starrett's Movement and Mobility Certifications. We'll be hosting not one, but TWO full-day seminars with K-Starr. If you're serious about improving your peformance by making increases to your flexibility and mobility check the links on the Upcoming Events sidebar or take the shortcuts here to register! Saturday, February 5, 2011 & Sunday, February 6, 2011
We're also excited to announce that we're hosting Jeff Tucker and crew for the CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer Course Certifcation November 5-6, 2011. Jeff and his team put on a phenomenal weekend of gymnastic skill development when they visited us before and we can't recommend their cert enough. Check here to register!
Come "concur" the Kipping Pull-up with our Kipping 101 Workshop
Do you have strict pull-ups but haven't pieced together the kip yet? Have you recently started kipping and can't quite get the rhythm right? Join David O. this Thursday, January 20th at 8pm for a dedicated kipping tutorial. RSVP to David(AT)
Price of admission: One strict pull-up or chin-up.
Hypocritical…or Human? Whole 9
Dessert Demons in Disguise Whole 9
Glow from Eating Well Judged Healthy Looking Scientific American
I hesitated for a moment, figuring it was a lost cause, giving them about a 5 second lead. Then I thought, "lift heavy things, sprint occasionally…" so I gave chase. Realizing I'd catch them in a half a block, they ditched the phone, crossed the street, and walked away.
I'm not at all sure what I'd have done had I caught up with them, so I'm really glad it turned out the way it did. But I'll admit it was fun to run down fleeing thieves. I'd say this was the first real-world high-adrenaline situation where I felt the benefits of Crossfit profoundly. (Note I would not have done this if it were not the middle of the day with plenty of witnesses…)"
Potluck Tonight!
Tonight is the Paleo Potluck! The event starts at 6pm and we're hoping to wrap things up by about 9pm. If anyone could stay after for a bit and help clean up it would be greatly appreciated. We've had a tremendous amount of people respond and we couldn't be more excited about getting everyone together to eat and socialize. Also remember that Erica and Greg N are hosting an after-party at their apartment. If you'd like to attend, please email erica.nofi(at)
See you all tonight!