Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.23.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Squat Thoracic Rotations
6 Each Side Plank Rotations
8 DB/KB Upright Rows
A1) 3 x 6-12 Each 1-Arm High Pulls
A2) 3 x 8-12 Alternating Goblet Curtsy Squats
Get creative if needed!
3 Rounds:
4:00 Work, 2:00
10 Goblet Squats
15 Sit-Ups (or 10 Weighted Sit-Ups)
8 Each Quadruped 1-Arm Row
Moderately high, but repeatable intensity!
Cool Down
5 Each Leg Lunge PAILS and RAILS (:30 hold, 5×5 second activation each direction)
1:00-2:00 Each Leg Pigeon Pose
Post work to comments.
55+FIT Gym-less WOD 3.23.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
30 Jumping Jacks
10e Direction Wide Stance Hip Circles
10e Wide Stance Forward Bend to Backward Bend
10e Leg Up and Overs
:20 Reverse Bridge Plank
4-5 Sets of Each:
6-12 Thumbs Up Shoulder Raises
6-12 Shoulder Presses
6-12 Split Squats (or Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats), Each Leg
Use whatever you have on hand (dumbbells, cans, purses, tote bags, etc.) for the Lateral Raises and Shoulder Presses. Perform the split squats next to a wall as needed for balance. Elevate the rear foot and/or hold onto a weight to make them more challenging.
Every 3:00 for 5 Sets:
9 Squats (or Chair Squat-to-Stands)
12 Sit -ps
15 Push-Ups (or 12e Shoulder Taps)
12 Sit-Ups
9 Squats
Work at a fast pace. Rest after the second set of Squats until the next 3:00 mark, working at 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and 12:00.
Post work to comments.
View this post on Instagram
Cam C.’s neighbor captured her getting a remote roof workout in. Busted! We’d love to post photos and videos of you and your family getting your home workouts in. Send stuff to Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
CFSBK Virtual Classes for Kids and Adults
Our virtual class offerings continue today with Locked & Loaded classes at 7am and 12pm! You’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Here’s the rest of our schedule:
Monday 3/23
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Lauren
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Chris
Tuesday 3/24
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Jess
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Keith
6pm Locked & Loaded w/ Brittany
Wednesday 3/25
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Whitney
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Nick
Thursday 3/26
6pm Mat Pilates w/ Frank
Virtual Kids Classes Start Today!
Starting today, we’ll also begin offering virtual CFSBK Kids classes this week to get those kiddos moving! Here’s what we’re offering:
Monday, 3/23
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8 – 18)
Tuesday, 3/24
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
Wednesday, 3/25
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8 – 18)
Thursday, 3/26
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
These will run on a separate Zoom meeting. Please email Coach Lynsey at cfsbkkids@gmail.com for more info.
Question of the Day
What would you like to know about our coaches?
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