Road Warriors Workout White Board Explanation 4.2.20
Warm Up
2-3 Rounds:
5e Shin Box Flow
:20 Down Dog Calf March
15m Each of the Following (walk back to start): Bunny Hops, Figure 4 Drill, Carioca
5 Jump Squats
Workout: Hill Sprints!
6 Rounds:
:30 Power Uphill (rest/walk down)
- Use the first set to figure out your timeframe or distance, 65-75% effort.
- Then aim to have consistent efforts for each of the remaining 5 sets, 80-85%.
- Hill suggestions: Prospect Park, 23rd St. between 5th/6th ave
Cool Down
3 Minute Jog
10 Minutes: Standing Quad Stretch, Standing Calf stretch, Standing Figure Four
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Brittnastics WOD 4.2.20
Warm Up/Prep
3 Rounds:
:10-20 Modified Headstand Hold
3 Kick Up to Handstand Reps (Weeeeee!)
You can practice the pieces of the Kick Up as you see fit/feel comfortable or practice the whole kick/modified kick up as seen in the video.
Spend Minutes Playing with 1 of the Following Options:
Modified Headstand Knee Lifts
Headstand Rocks
Kipping Drills
Choose One of the Below (or do all 3):
5 x 2-3 of Headstand to Head on Floor Plank
5 x 2-3 of Headstand to Tall Plank
5 x 2-3 Lying Kipping Drill
Switching it up to keep it fresh! Take your time, play around and enjoy figuring out a different movement pattern. You have to have command of the modified Headstand position to perform these drills otherwise you’ll put your cervical spine (aka, ya neck) at risk! Option C is for people who might not be ready to be moving dynamically upside down. 🙂
Handstand Push-Up:
5 x 3-4 Reps at 3111 Tempo.
Remember it’s better to modify the load NOT the range of motion (i.e., it’s better to have your feet on an object versus stack a bunch of mats and do them against the wall). We want strength through the full range of motion!
If you did last week’s programming (we did 4 x 5 reps) increase the difficulty by scaling up. If you did an Elevated Push-Up, lower the elevation. If you did a regular Push-Up, try Feet on the Floor HSPUs. If you placed your feet on an object and did a Piked Handstand Push-Up, try to elevate your feet a bit to increase the load!
Scaling options: Push-Up, Feet on Floor Handstand Push-Up, Feet on Object Handstand Push-Up, Feet on Higher Object Handstand Push-Up, Strict Against Wall
Ab + Shoulder Endurance Finisher
3-4 Rounds:
:30 Bear Crawl (if you want you can add Shoulder Taps to this)
:30 Weighted Hollow Hold
:30 Inchworm to Hollow Walkout
Rest 30 seconds between sets.
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Want more Coach Whit? Join her this morning at 7am for Yoga for Athletes. You can also take Mat Pilates with Frank at 6pm. Head over to our new Virtual Class Info page to sign up!
Cooking with Whit: Green Coconut Curry with… Char and Chard!
By Whitney Hubbard
Hey everyone, Coach Whit here! Since we’re all at home and many of us may be cooking a lot more frequently than usual, I thought I’d share one of my favorite recipes with you all. As a pescetarian (…vegequarian?!), I’ve learned a handful of tried-and-true ways that I like to prepare fish and seafood at home, and this is one of my favorites. I love this recipe in particular because the ingredient list isn’t too extensive, it takes about 30-40 min start to finish, it’s packed with flavor, you can easily adjust the spice level to your taste, and the price per meal is still way less than what I’d pay for take out or a meal plan service!
The original recipe is from Epicurious, and is written for salmon and bok choy. I almost always make this with Arctic Char, because I can usually find it for a good price and I tend to prefer the flavor. Honestly, I think it would work with a variety of different fish. This time around we had to improvise on the greens since there was no bok choy in the store! It turned out great with Swiss Chard, even though it’s more fibrous and took a little longer to wilt down. You’ll also note that I left out the cashews. No biggie — still delicious!
So, the bottom line is that you can use the recipe as a great foundation and make it work with what you’ve got available.
Oh, and since I mentioned cost, here’s a quick breakdown based on what I typically pay for these ingredients in my usual shops:
- Curry (1/2 can Maesri Green Curry Paste) $1
- Arctic char (1.5 lbs) $24
- Coconut milk (one can) $2
- Ginger (thumb-sized piece) $.50
- Chard (one bunch) $3
- Scallion (half bunch) $.75
- Lime (one) $.50
- Cilantro (third of bunch) $.50
- Brown rice (four servings) $1
Total for four servings = $33.25
Cost per serving = $8.31
If you’re on a tight budget (or a vegetarian!), consider making this with tofu, mushrooms, or more veggies in the place of fish, which would probably bring your cost per serving closer to $4!
Check out the Epicurious link for the full ingredient list and how-to, and feel free to email me at with any questions. Happy cooking! 🙂
Question of the Day
Who was your favorite musician or music group when you were a teenager?
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