Locked & Loaded WOD 3.24.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
8 Each Staggered Stance Single Leg Toe Touches
:30 Reverse Bridge Plank
16 Alternating Plank Shoulder Taps
A1) 3 x 6-10 Each 1-Arm DB Floor Press
A2) 3 x 8-12 Each Single-Leg Contralateral Romanian Deadlift
20 Minutes at Low Intensity:
10 1-Arm Suitcase Deadlifts (left arm)
8 1-Arm Hang Cleans (left arm)
40m or :30 Single-Arm Front Rack Carry/March (left arm)
:30 Tall Plank
10 1-Arm Suitcase Deadlifts (right arm)
8 1-Arm Hang Cleans (right arm)
40m or :30 Single-Arm Front Rack Carry/March right arm
:30 Hollow Hold
Post work to comments.
Road Warriors Workout 3.24.20 (Easy Run)
Warm Up
7 Minute Movement Flow
Can be done indoors or outdoors, barefoot or not.
2.5 Mile Easy Run (using only nasal breathing!)
- A little more distance than last week but still at an easy pace.
- Beginner/Intermediate: alternating between walk/run is absolutely ok! But the goal is to keep moving.
- Experienced runners: choose a more challenging course, pick up speed
- If you lose nasal breathing, slow down pace or walk until you can resume nasal breathing comfortably.
2-3 Minute Walk
10 Minutes Alternating Between: Standing Quad Stretch, Hip Circles, Standing Cross Legged Forward Fold, Calf March
Post work to comments.
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Thursday: Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whit
Yet another virtual class offering to keep you grounded! Join us this Thursday at 7am for Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whit. With change and uncertainty hovering, now is a perfect time to ground ourselves, stay in our bodies, maintain our range of motion, restore our energy, and breathe. In this class, we’ll incorporate some basic yoga poses, passive stretching, active range of motion work, restorative movements, and breathing exercises. All are welcome and no previous yoga experience is necessary. Use it as an hour to get away from the updates, quiet the chatter, and focus on yourself. Use it as a recovery day from your other workouts. Use it as a way to connect with our community. Use it as a way to chip away at improving your mobility and joint health so eventually you can get back in the gym and kick ass! Can’t wait to see you.
As with our other classes, you’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Here’s the rest of our schedule:
Tuesday 3/24
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Jess
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Keith
6pm Locked & Loaded w/ Brittany
Wednesday 3/25
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Whitney
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Nick
Thursday 3/26
7am Yoga for Athletes w/ Whitney
6pm Mat Pilates w/ Frank
We’re offering virtual CFSBK Kids classes this week to get those kiddos moving! Here’s what’s happening:
Tuesday, 3/24
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
Wednesday, 3/25
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8 – 18)
Thursday, 3/26
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
These will run on a separate Zoom meeting. Please email Coach Lynsey at cfsbkkids@gmail.com for more info.
Question of the Day
How many rolls of toilet paper are currently in your residence?
Take Steps to Counter the Loneliness of Social Distancing NY Times
How the Coronavirus Became an American Catastrophe The Atlantic
Fun 7AM L&L this morning w/ Fox Fam and friendly faces!
QOTD in class was what’s one thing we’re most enjoying about working out at home. A = working out in bare feet / socks! Also… I think I made it to ONE 7am class in the 10+ years I’ve been coming to CFSBK before this so… the ability to roll out of bed and start moving with the crew!
Blog QOTD: We have a costco membership and luckily had made a usual paper products run a month or so BEFORE we went on vacation and the world exploded. So… I think we have about four 6-packs left. 24 rolls.
DB floor press x 12 ea @ 30#
single leg RDL x 8 ea @ 30#
@ 20×1
3 rounds, with some slight changes to two movements:
-did my KB clean from floor
-walked 4 lengths of my apartment, single arm farmer carry — since I did a bunch of waiter squats yesterday!
@ 16kg
this was sweaty and lovely. thanks!
My other favorite thing about all of us working out at home is that PEOPLE ARE POSTING ON THE BLOG AGAIN and it brings me great joy 😀
7am with the Foxes
Blog QOTD – Not nearly enough. Think we only have about 4 charmin rolls left. Going to have to buy that recycled 40 grade tp soon.
Class QOTD – Watching Zachary mimic our movements has been a lot of fun. He also calls me strong which is fun.
Strength work – 24kg x 10 x 3 for floor press and 16kg x 8 x 3 for slrdl.
Think I finished 3 rounds + planks with 24kg bell and :30 of walking through my apartment.
Zachary also enjoyed staring into the camera while eating his toast.
That’s ADORABLE. (All the Zach stuff, that is)
I bought two TP rolls at a bodega when everyone was going nuts and this stuff is terrible. Its almost practical joke toilet paper given how thin and dry it is. Luckily I got some normal TP at whole foods for when I finish these two.
Posts like these are why I love that the blog is alive again
Fun 7 AM! Did everything with my adopted 40# DB, which was…very spicy.
Blog QOD: I think about 20? Not even a COVID-19 thing. You have to understand…when my mom was a little girl, the Japanese invaded Malaysia (her home country). This means that I was raised to a) finish every last morsel on my plate and b) stockpile household supplies. Neither of these is particularly compatible with a life of abundant food and not-abundant living space, so I’ve spent the second half of my life grinding those habits out of myself. But it does mean that at any given time, if I don’t have at least 12 rolls of TP in the closet, I get nervous and buy another mega-pack.
Class QOD: I can’t believe I completely forgot that we have a pullup bar in our apartment. (In my defense, it’s tucked up in a little nook above a hallway and you can’t see it unless you look straight up at it.) So I’m enjoying using that!
Locked and Loaded workout at 10 AM
QsOTD: about 14 rolls of TP
best thing about working out from home is getting to do most of the work outside.
some prep work: 3×8 db good mornings @25#
3×8 ea side RDL’s and presses both at 30#
4 rounds of the WOD, 19kg KB for carries and DL’s, 30# db for cleans.
then 100 d/u’s in 19 sets (boo).
5 rolls
We resisted the urge to hoard.
Cut to – newspaper being our new best friend.
Fun class this morning!
Class QOD: bare.foot.fitness… love it.
Blog QOD: 5 or 6? But we’re pretty frugal with the stuff. Traveling to countries where you cannot flush it, where you generally have to pay for a rest room and a few sheets of it, indoctrinated the Fox household while ago 🙂
9am class with Thaisa, doing our own thing today
SA High Pulls 3×10 @ 35lb
Front rack 1 1/4 squats 15-12-10 up to 20lb
Metcon of “you go I go” DB snatches, SA DB OHS (ugh) and DUs, 4 rds about 18 total between us.
I think we have some TP, but we also bought an electric bidet a while back so, you know, we’re good for a while 🙂 Should we be reselling our existing TP in the black market? David, let me know if you want to buy some!
Did today’s workout on my own as we navigate the kids’ zoom schedules for school, classwork, etc. I also had to keep myself in a small space to stay out of their videos and my husband was working out too. Grateful that these are our biggest challenges right now.
QOTD: We are upstate where the Hannaford has a 2 package per customer policy. I bough 2 of the 4=24 so I guess it depends on how you count it…
For the strength work, I subbed my work from Keith:
3X8 Single leg romanian deadlifts with 20# dumbells
3x 10-15s Copenhagen planks
20 minutes – did the work with a 35# kettlebell
Finished 3 rounds with a little less than a minute to spare so did some single arm KB swings for good measure :0
5:30am solo class in the kitchen with my daughter providing intermission after the strength portion of the workout.
Managed 3 rounds plus about 8 hang dumbbell cleans at 45#. I knew these weights would come in handy one day 🙂
Hodgepodge of things recently…
Sunday – 5 mile run
Monday – rainy day rest day
Tuesday- 2 Mile run followed by today’s strength….
35# presses 3×12 with 2 down tempo
White kettlebell 3×15 Romanian deadlifts
And yesterday’s metcon- 4 sets of 3 min work & rest to alternate rounds. White kB on squats & 35# on rows. 2+6, 2+9, 2+13, 2+9
L&L was great, did all of the things with a 30lb DB.
QOTD: 6 rolls? I normally have space for 4, and bought a second pack of 4, so I guess I’m hoarding … a little bit?
ClassQOTD: Being able to workout over lunch time is a great reset on the day!
Also did the endurance run after work with a cut through the middle of the park that was hillier than I thought it would be.