Workout of the Day
A1: Chin-Ups
A2: L-Sit
:15-:20x 5
In 5 total sets, alternate between a heavy triple chin-up and the L-Sit.
For the chin-ups, build up such that the last 2 sets are very challenging. This could be achieved by adding weight, or reducing band tension. We’ll also explore a partner assisted chin-up.
For L-Sits, accumulate 15-20 seconds per set either using a tucked, single leg or double leg L-Sit hold.
EMOM 10:00:
A: 12 Box Jumps + AMRAP Push-Ups
B: 16 Kettlebell Swings + AMRAP Push-Ups
In this EMOM, you’ll alternate between the box jump and kettlebell buy-ins each minute and then use the remaining time left to perform push-ups. For the push-ups, you don’t need to run into a wall, instead choose a challenging rep range and see if you can hold on or progress it all 10 rounds. Modify such that you could get 5-10+ reps each round. If push-ups are a strength of yours, consider scaling up to ring push-ups.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/6)
Coach Whitney getting some vitamin D and aerobic work in on Degraw Street.
We’ve got L-Sits on tap for half of today’s strength portion. We’ve been seeing a lot of gymnastics static holds this cycle. These help develop tremendous strength and stability in end ranges. Each set today is short,only :15-:20 which means you’re aiming for FULL BODY tension and a fight for your most mature position possible. :20 seconds should feel like a lifetime if you’re doing it right!