Please remember to recognize one of our country’s greatest and most courageous Citizens, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. His ability to catalyze social change through non-violent means remains one of the most inspiring examples of human achievement.
WOD 1.20.07
Tabata Interval
Box Jumps 26"
Push Press 45 lbs.
Abmat Sit-Ups
Sum the lowest reps from each movement for your score.
Dumbbell, Kettlebell or Barbell Turkish Get Ups.
WOD 1.19.07
3 Rounds For Time of:
25 Slam Balls (30 lbs)
25 Power Cleans (135 lbs)
25 Uneven Grip Pull-Ups
Exercise demos and descriptions courtesy of Catalyst Athletics:
Slam Ball
Power Clean
Uneven Grip Pull-Ups
Overhead Abmat Sit-ups
WOD 1.16.07
Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5
John Sets up a heavy Press.
A successful CrossFitter is an educated CrossFitter. Most of us have got a handle on the whole Paleo thing, many of us are Zoners and all of us know that getting a little more sleep is definitely a good idea. While these basics put us miles ahead of the crowd, we’ve got to wrap our heads around some of the more ‘exotic’ features of health and longevity to really start kicking ass. Education about contrast hydrotherapy, photo-toxicity, metabolic derangement, hormonal balance and even dental care can aid us in our quest for CrossFit rock stardom. Our current situation (you know this whole modern society thing) has made just about all of the environmental features we’re genetically programmed for completely alien to us. It’s our job to first educate ourselves about these issues and secondly find practical solutions that we can incorporate into our daily lives to bring us back towards nature. I know, it all seems so daunting, no one wants to go to bed earlier and what the hell is photo-toxicity anyway?
For a few weeks I’ll be posting about these and many other issues so that you can get handle on them and start being more proactive about the quality and quantity of time you spend on this planet. Hopefully you find the information useful and use it to make positive changes in not only your life, but those around you as well. The topics will generally fall into one of these three categories; Recovery, Foundations and Overload.
Happy reading.
WOD 1.13.07
Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of:
10 DB Power Snatch (each arm)
10 DB Lunges (each leg)
10 Push-ups
Today was CrossFit South Brooklyn’s Biggest class yet with 14 athletes! Great to see so many familiar faces and a few new ones! Your homework for this week is to work on your Pressing Snatch Balance. Feel free to use a PVC, Dumbbells or if your mechanics are sound, a Barbell.
Charmel gets a taste of the rings.
WOD 1.12.07
21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
If your barbell clean mechanics are not sound, dumbbells can be substituted.
Jumping dips with negatives or push-ups can be subbed for ring dips.
Cleiser works on her clean.
WOD 1.09.07
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
Compare to CFSBK WOD 12.15.07
Lift, Slam, Swing, Repeat:
WOD 1.06.07
30-20-10 Reps of:
Box Jumps
Knee to Elbows
Coach Allison watches over the first heat.
WOD 1.05.07
Max Rounds in 10 Minutes of:
10 Thrusters a. 30 lbs b. 20 lbs
10 KB Swings a. 40 lbs b 12 kgs
10 Double Unders a. 10 doubles b. 100 singles
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