40 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 21 reps
40 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 21 reps
42 Pull-ups
40 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 15 reps
40 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
40 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 9 reps
40 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 9 reps
18 Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
For those of you (everyone, right?) participating in the Burpee Challenge, we've put together a little page with an overview and a counter you can download to keep track of your numbers. Today is 4 Burpees for those on board and 10 for everyone else to buy in.
Brooklyn Burpee Challenge
Team South Brooklyn is beginning to shape up for the Fight Gone Bad charity event. Have you signed up yet? We will host your profile page so you can easily refer your friends and family to the link below.
Fight Gone Bad 3 at CrossFit South Brooklyn
On Saturday, November 1st CFSBK will be hosting a CrossFit Nutrition Seminar
Spend 1 day with Coach Robb Wolf learning the art and science of
performance nutrition. The day will include lecture and theory of
performance eating, recovery and optimizing health and longevity.
Significant emphasis will be placed on the PRACTICAL implementation of
Paleo/Zone concepts including cooking demonstrations, how to shop,
eating on the road and more. By the end of the day you and your clients
will have no more excuses why you cannot feed and water yourself for
optimum performance!
Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist specializing in lipid
metabolism. His CV includes research at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center and graduate work with Prof. Loren Cordain of Colorado
State University, author of The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet for Athletes. Robb is a co-founder of the CrossFit NorCal (the 4th CrossFit Affiliate), a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, and a co-founder of The Performance Menu.
Robb Wolf Interview Pt. 1
Robb Wolf Interview Pt. 2
Robb Wolf Interview Pt. 3
just as my hands were healing… what a great day to come back!
buying into the challange today. took some much needed rest the last 2 days after WINNING the Can-Am Rugby tournament this past weekend!
unfortunately can’t participate in the fight gone bad event – my brother’s getting married that day.
will be at the nutrition seminar though, very exciting.
The loads are scaled down because we don’t have 45# dumbbells.
We’re low on Chalk and i won’t be able to get out to the city to pick some up today. Does anyone know somewhere local that sells climbing/lifting chalk?
It’s going to be great to have Robb and Nicki at CFSBK, please take advantage of this guys and girls. It’s our first official CrossFit seminar!!
they sell it at EMS – there is one in SOHO on broadway right by the R/W stop at prince street.
unfortunately i have a dentist appointment (yik) after work otherwise i’d hop up there and grab some.
I’ll try to pick some up, at the least I’ll bring my chalk sock.
I second David about the Nutrition cert! For those who are not familiar with Robb Wolf, he is seen as one of the nutrition experts in the CF world. He and Nicki run CF NorCal and Catalyst Athletics (www.performancemenu.com). Really top notch. We are very lucky to have this opportunity. I couldn’t recommend this more highly.
Attention gang!
This weekend Aug 9 and 10, CrossFit Boston is hosting an O-lifting seminar (not a CF cert) taught by Greg Everett and Aimee Anaya. David, Shane, John C and I will be attending.http://www.performancemenu.com/resources/events/olyClinicBostonAug9-10.php
Due to last minute cancellations, there are TWO OPEN SPOTS.
The seminar costs around $375. I’m not sure what hotel costs will be at this date, but the discounted fee we got was $130/night – it may still be available.
If you are interested to find out more, please email me ASAP!! Like, before Thursday mid-afternoon (east coast time) when I get on the plane to come back to NY.
15# squat snatches, chest-to-bar pullups. 26:07, one ripped scab.
Well, i really wanted to do this workout. The R train wasted ninety minutes of my time and saw to it that I would not.
Is the nutrition seminar a cert, or just a nice education thing for us?
40# squat snatches14:30
I really don’t like dumbell OHS. Having Leo and Allen moving fast helped keep things at a strong pace.
Adam,It’s a seminar, not a certification. Stupid MTA.
Margie,For accuracy’s sake, Greg Everett runs Catalyst athletics and PMenu. Robb and Nicki are involved with the Performance Menu Journal.
Sameer has some REAL DEAL pull-ups.
23:15Got a bit frustrated, as is my tendency whenever anything involving overhead squatting is involved. It’s frustrating trying to come to terms with ones limitations when the will to succeed simply wont listen to reason. Still, I did enjoy this wod, although I’m sure it didn’t show.
Margie, will you kindly not have a weekend away some day, so we can all plan another bar night? Enough with world domination via fitness, it’s time for libations.
Yeah Margie, hurry back! Miss having you at class.
Did my WOD with 15 lb a dumbbell and subbed 21/15/9 pullups on the blue band: 16:51.
Loathed the pullups because as per usual they made me feel weak, but quite enjoyed the squat snatches.
15 lb dumbell, and used green band for pull-ups.
Aw you guys are peaches! Thanks for holding off on the drink!
I, on the other hand, just had a glass of wine! Well, we know what that does to me! Yee haw.
Final workout at Petranek:
Warmup: 1200m run100 OHS squats – I used 45#
WOD:21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3Deadlifts @ 125#Dips (first 21 were strict, rest were thin band assisted)
We partnered on this, so me and the other woman in class shared a bar. Each person had to complete the reps in the set for each exercise before moving onto the next set.
Our time was 21:26.
This was… excessive. And a bad idea before a 5 hour plane ride. Oy.
Casey Burgener, the cousin of my friend that I am currently staying with, is on Letterman tonight! Oh… it all ready happened on the east coast. Damn.
In Fundamentals this morning we did 3 rounds of 1 min. of burpee/wall ball/keetle ball (Russe). Here are my #s:
Burpees: 31wallball: 36kettle: 49
really dissapointed with last night. i mentally wasn’t there and my hands prevented me from doing real pull ups which psssed me off.
19:36ish15#dbs (real squat snatches w/ right arm, snatch & front squat w/ left)30/20/10 pull ups (started with real, moved to kipping on blue band)
come back margie!
17:03 w/30lb db. see y’all in a few weeks, heading to mexico for a vacation! I plan on buying in to the burpee challenge when we get back :).
Me and Ari are buying in today. 15 each. Going to the park to work on kips.
Have a great vacation Paul!
16:38 with 25lb cleans + front squats.
Strange feeling…I’m generally very flexible and can press 165lb overhead, but I could barely do a squat single snatch. I guess need to work on shoulder ROM I suppose.
20:xx w 20# dbsFlexibility definitely needs more work.