Lax Ball/Foam Rolling
PNF, Static & Banded Stretching
Mobility Complex
Post most challenging stretches and most painful foam rolling spots to comments.
This is the last day of our Back-off week before heading into the new strength cycle starting Saturday!
Use today as an opportunity to work out any knots, kinks or tight spots.
XtremeFTS Padova – Promo Video from Loris Pignoletti on Vimeo.
Check out this video for CrossFit Padova (Italy) directed by SBK member Loris P.
The Upcoming Strength Cycle will be comprised of the following movements:
- Squat Variant
Back Squat
Day: Saturday/Wednesday - Pull
The Clean
Day: Monday - Upper Body
Day: Thursday
Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you to all the men and women of the Armed Forces for your service and sacrifice.
Check out more of Loris' awesome filmography
Collected Training at Catalyst Athletcs
Chinese Weightlifters Training
More Chinese Weightlifters Training (In Chinese)