3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Overhead Squats
12 Kipping Pull Ups or 6 Strict Pull Ups or 12 Ring Rows
If you can’t perform an Overhead Squat due to mobility, substitute a Front Squat instead
3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
21 OH Squats 75/55
12 Pull-Ups or 4 Muscle Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
This is me standing in front of one nameless moai (mo-eye) that is part of Ahu Tongarki, which is Easter Island’s largest ceremonial platform consisting of 15 restored moai.
All of them would have had the ‘red hats’, which are known as topknots. This ahu represents the very pinnacle of the Rapu Niu stone carving period and the sheer effort and expense involved in having created such an extravagant ceremonial altar is considered beyond belief. It is the largest ceremonial structure anywhere in Polynesia with a length of 220 meters from the end of one wing to the other.
All of the moai on the island were at some point thrown down. When the first Europeans landed on the island in 1721 the moai were all standing, but by 1838 none were left standing. No one knows why. There are many theories. This platform was restored between 1992 and 1996.
– Kevin R
(Kevin has been training with David since years before CFSBK existed!)
Happy Birthday, Sarah H
Summer Soiree
From Dom R:
On Thursday, July 26, the Prospect Park Junior Committee is hosting its annual Summer Soiree in the Prospect Park boathouse. The party features cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, music, a silent auction, and more. All proceeds support the Prospect Park Alliance, a nonprofit organization that works in partnership with the Parks Department to maintain and restore Prospect Park. Buy your tickets here and show your love for the park!
Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet
Come watch SBK’s strong women move big weights! Sunday, July 22nd at 2pm is our second Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet, where the ladies will be testing their one rep maxes in the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Spectators are encouraged and welcome! Post event celebrating will happen at about 5pm. For more details and to see the competiors, click here.
Spirit Of The Games Award: Deborah Cordner Carson
Marathons are Yawn 70’s Big
The CrossFit Games Analysis 70s Big
AJ Roberts – From Strongest To Fittest ATG