Five rounds for time of:
12 Deadlift 155/105
9 Hang Power Clean 155/105
6 Push Jerk 155/105
Post Rx and time to comments.
compare to 12.25.11
Remember, “DT” as Rx’d is now on the CFSBK leader boards!
See Jason Khalipa do this in 6:18
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.
A Day In The Life of CFSBK
Yesterday I had the pleasure of working with a very diverse sample of our community. I thought I’d share with you all some of the highlights of my day in the hopes of you seeing CFSBK from my viewpoint for a day:
9:00am: Group Class
A diverse bunch of folks hitting Fran hard. Group class is the melting pot of CFSBK where seasoned veterans, sophomores and newbies come together to challenge themselves and those around them. Every single class is different, interesting and fun.
10:00am: Dr. Mike and Dr. Judy
My “Platinum CrossFitters”. Two of the more senior folks I train who came in with really modest goals and have amazed me with their progress and commitment to strength and conditioning. These guys are not only an inspiration but a wealth of knowledge and experience. Great additions to our community! We recently posted a video of Mike Squatting!
11:00am: Group Class
An even bigger bunch of folks crushing Fran. I jumped in to give Noah a second hand since we had a big turn out. Fran is a big day for lots of folks and I hoped that I could give someone that extra push or cue that leads them to a PR today. I could have easily gone upstairs and relaxed, but it’s too damn fun to be around you people.
12:00pm: Comp Class
Some of CFSBK’s competitive heavy hitters. A great combination of VERY motivated folks with big engines and the time, capacity and interest to go the extra mile with their training. Coaching at this level needs to be more refined and technical. After a warm-up we work some fine details of Snatch Pulls and Tall Snatches before getting after Fran competition style with judges. Everyone in this class could run circles around me all day so I’m humbled to get to coach them.
1:15pm: Teaser Class
9 folks who have never done CrossFit before. I take them through the name game, some DROMs, Squats, hollow holds then a WOD which consists of a couplet of Rowing and Burpees. Afterwards we discuss what’s important in a fitness program (Diversity of movement and time domains, chasing concrete performance markers and something mentally and socially stimulating). Some folks sign up on the spot, others never come back, I hope I’ve made a positive impact on them regardless.
4:00pm: CrossFit Birthday Party
Twelve 7 year old boys get put through a two hour birthday party, CrossFit Style. We play the following games:
CrossFit Tag Team Bowling:
Think of a bowling relay race where three teams try to earn max points by sprinting to knock down pins (Foam Rollers) with medicine balls. Once they make their throw they’ve got to pick up their pins and run the ball back to the start line so the next kid can start. We’re trying to build comradery, speed and accuracy.
Zombie Apocalypse
Part 1: Outbreak
A virus is spreading turning kids into zombies. 3 Zombies start within city boundaries and try to rip flags off the humans. If you get your flag ripped off you need to do 5 burpees after which you’re reborn as a zombie and can start hunting. Each game is about 2 minutes and we see how many survivors are left at the end round. Hiding in the big tire is very popular..
Part 2: Aftermath
2 Camps of survivors are left on earth and supplies are few and far between. I hide an axe (a great Zombie defense tool) in the abandoned city (a bunch of mats, boxes, the big tire, kegs etc strewn about) and call out 1-2 members from each team to find it as fast as they can and bring it back to their camp. (think, steal the bacon meets 28 days later)
The CrossFit South Brooklyn Infantry Obstacle Course
An Obstacles course with lava rocks, balance beams, handstand walks, a crawl through and ends with each kid swinging off a platform on a ring and knocking down a wall to escape. This is the “slowest” game but requires the most accuracy and control in movement.
My goal is to have the kids connect physical activity with a positive experience. Also- let kids be kids and have some down and dirty fun.