Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs to last weeks Push Presses. You should still
Performance: Work up to a heavy 3 rep set on the Push Press
Try and beat last week’s heavy 3.
Post loads to comments.
PP e3/6
5 Rounds Rounds For Max Reps of:
:30 Wall Ball 20lb,10′ / 14lb,9′
:30 Rest
:30 L-Sit Hold
:30 Rest
Hold the L-Sit as long as you can. If you need to come out of it within the time frame jump back in once you’re ready. Prioritize shoulder position
Post total Wall Ball Reps and how many :30 L-Sit holds you were able to achieve
Chris A and Mike M debate which would be the better weapon of choice in a CrossFit Death Match, the Jump Rope Whip or PVC Staff
Complimentary Range of Motion Testing Sunday
Can you identify the 4 muscles that make up the Rotator Cuff? Do you know which of these muscles is most commonly injured? Although you can tear your rotator cuff as a result of an injury, most rotator cuff problems develop over time. Want to know if there’s a muscle that might be limiting your shoulder mobility? Inka will be offering complementary ROM (range of motion) testing and MLT (muscle length testing) for the shoulder joint. She will take you through AROM (active range of motion) and then PROM (passive range of motion) and will help you figure out if you are within normal range of motion for these muscles. How does this help your workout? Knowing where you fall short can help you figure out where you need to roll out and stretch more and give you that extra edge during your workout. It can also help to prevent injury by addressing the imbalances in your body.
She will also be doing some myofascial release and trigger point work to your Pec Minor muscle (found underneath the Pec Major) as well as your Subscapularis (found on the anterior side of your Scapula). These muscles are hard to get to by yourself and can be a factor in rotator cuff injuries.
She will be offering this Sunday during the morning classes and Open Gym. Email her directly to make an appt.inka.hodes(AT)
If you had to bring one implement from the gym to battle (Anchorman style) which would it be?
OMG Celebrity CrossFitterz
Scaling the a HSPU WOD with CrossFit Santa Cruz