Front Rack Step-Ups / Chin-Ups Superset*
1A) Front Rack Step-Ups
Perform 3 x 8-12 reps on each leg. Start the cycle light enough to make 12 reps on each leg without too much difficulty, and move up in weight week to week from there. Use your non-dominant leg to set the weight and only do as much weight and as many reps as that side can perform. The end goal by the end of the cycle is to perform 8-12 good reps on each leg with about 1/3 of your Back Squat 1-rep max. Use a height that allows you to be at full depth (hip crease below knee) when the working leg is on the box. Come to full standing using the working leg before the trail leg touches down for balance. Do not use the trail leg to help you stand up. Use the trail leg as little as possible to push off from, and use a tempo in which the down/eccentric phase of the movement is slower than the up/concentric phase. The barbell comes off the floor. Stop the set when you’re not sure you can do another rep or two (i.e., do not bail a bar on a box).
1B) Chin-Ups or Supinated-Grip Body Rows
Perform 4 sets of max reps. Once you can no longer clear your chin over the bar, your set is over. Each rep starts from a dead hang. Initiate the movement by pulling the shoulders down away from the ears and pull the elbows as far down and back as possible. If you can touch your chest to the bar on each rep, then do it. You should really be feeling these in your lats.
Perform 3 challenging (but submaximal) sets of 2-4 reps using bands or a small partner assist as needed to achieve full range of motion, followed by a 4th set for max reps. These should be tough sets in a low rep range with the goal of performing around 10-15 total reps. If you can do them unassisted but only 1 at a time, then pepper in as many singles as you can in between sets of Step-Ups during the lifting segment. Start and finish the superset with a set of Chins to get all 4 sets in.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Press) and then after a short rest, 30 to 90 seconds, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Chin-Ups or Supinated-Grip Body Rows). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post work to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55
*Bias larger bumps on smaller bars if you’re going to bail, or avoid bailing.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
30 Single Unders
15 Power Snatches 55/35
*Bias larger bumps on smaller bars if you’re going to bail, or avoid bailing.
The Power Snatch is meant to be in the light side but in the spirit of prepping for the Open, if you can do the Rx’d weight then go for it.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Coach Katie gives Beatriz a tactile cue as she sets up for a Snatch
Evan H. on the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge
As we mentioned yesterday, the 2017 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge kicked off on Monday, but you still have until the end of the day tomorrow to sign up! So here’s one last appeal to take part in what has been a life-changing experience for many CFSBK members. Today we’re bringing you some thoughts from one of last year’s participants, Evan H., who has since left us for the greener pastures of California. Enjoy!
What was the most positive change you experienced during last years challenge?
The most positive change was my perspective on how I treat my body. Whether it’s the food I eat, the time I spend stretching, or the sleep I get at night, I’ve learned that each element deserves time & focus.
What was the biggest challenge to overcome, and how did you deal with it?
The biggest challenge has been preventing long term eating slips. A big focus has been shifting my perspective on the quality of food I’m consuming. As life gets busy, it is easy to slip back into old habits because of convenience. When I find myself making too many food compromises, it’s usually because I’m not planning my meals. Stopping & refocusing on meal planning is key.
What has been the biggest lasting change from last year?
Honestly, I feel really good. I have way more energy than I thought.
Will you be participating again this year?
I wish! Maybe I’ll participate remotely.
Thanks, Evan! Turns out he is following along on the LFPB Facebook group! See the Challenge Overview page to learn how you can get your New Year started right!
News and Notes
- The results of our most recent Lost and Found clean out are in and [tears open envelope] yes… it looks like we have a lot of your stuff! See the Flickr account and claim your sad, lonely posessions before we donate them to CHIPS.
- Don’t forget about the Iron Maidens Lift’n’Learn session this Sunday at 2pm. See the event page for details!
- BarBend just published a great article by CFSBK resident anthropologist Katie H. Check out “The Shared Meaning of Community Fitness.” It’s a great read that’s sure to strike a chord among CFSBKers.
Tic-Tac-Toe CrossFit Jääkarhu
A Sober Utopia Pacific Standard